Saturday, September 21, 2024

Why Trump Should Continue to Refuse Debating the Kackler

It was reported by Fox News, the New York Post and CNN that Kamala Harris has accepted an invitation to debate Donald Trump on October 23 .
But until and unless Kacklin' Kammy is willing to appear on Fox News or NEWSMAX, and accept those invitations, Donald Trump MUST CONTINUE to refuse any additional invitations by ANYliberal(Socialist) network.

Apparently, the Kamster will ONLY appear on networks she deems moderators will be favorable to her positions. As ABC News proved at the most recent debate, the LAME Stream BIASED Media favors Democrat candidates and will CHALLENGE Republicans.

Prior to 2008, most networks, while leaning Democrat, still maintained some sense of fair-play and impartiality when hosting debates or interviewing most guests. But since Obama, the impression is now an actual hostility to Republicans.

Only Fox News still maintains a sense of impartiality. At one point, their tagline was “Fair and Balanced”. And in most cases, at least during the day, it still is.

So, to sum up: no Republican, or ANY candidate, should appear for a debate or subject themselves to interviews on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or any of their affiliates or company-owned stations unless Democrats will be willing to appear on Fox or NEWSMAX.

It is the Democrats who have shown the polarization and favoritism of the political divide, not the Republicans. To paraphrase the Washington Post tagline, “Democracy Died With Democrats”.

And, by the way, any fair-minded executive of these companies who understands the basic precepts of Journalism would agree.

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