Friday, September 20, 2024

When You Are a Democrat, Just Lie and Expect to Get Away With It

President Biden claimed yesterday that he NEVER spoke to Jerome Powell ONCE during his four years as President. He emphatically made this statement during a speech to to the Economic Club of Washington, saying, "Unlike my predecessor, I respect the Federal Reserve's independence as they pursued a mandate to bring inflation down."
He is right. NOT ONCE did he speak to Chairman Powell of the FRB. Instead, he spoke to Chairman Powell THREE TIMES.

According to reports in Fox News Digital and other sources, he spoke to the Chairman in May, 2022 in his third in-person interview since becoming President in January, 2021. This was reported separately by Bloomberg and Reuters. And found on You Tube.

So, I wonder what he wanted to talk to the Chairman about. The Stanley Cup Playoffs? The names being rolled out for the upcoming Hurricane Season? The name he gave to his new dog?

Of course, being the honest and highly respectful person Biden is to “respect the Fed’s independence, which I have done and will continue to do,” surely he NEVER spoke about raising interest rates or increasing the monetary supply or utilizing other tools at the Fed’s disposal to combat the raging inflation at that time. Right? RIGHT?

Of course not. Biden ALWAYS maintains integrity above reproach, mindful that he is only the President and not supposed to interfere in another person’s responsibilities.

And where were all the independent fact-checkers yesterday when he said this? At a convention? Looking at everything Donald Trump said? Head in the sand?

And how many other times did Biden talk to Powell that we have not yet discovered?

I am sure David Muir and Lindsey Davis were doing something very important. Like lunch. Or looking for pick-up sticks. Because no mention was made of Biden’s falsehood and lie on ABC News.

Because he is a Democrat and the LAME Stream INCOMPETENT Media NEVER fact-checks DEMOCRATS.

Especially when they blatantly lie.

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