Saturday, September 7, 2024

Another Democrat Leaves the Party Because It Left Him

Long-time Harvard Law Professor and controversial “against the grain” political pundit Alan Dershowitz
is in the news today. He has decided that after all these years, he has left the Democrat Party.
Yes! Another person has seen the light and has now declared himself to be an Independent. He is joining the likes of Tulsi Gabbard, Krysten Sinema, Joe Manchin, Elon Musk and Robert F Kennedy Jr.

He was angered by the anti-semitic, anti-israel tone of the recent Democrat Convention and is abhorred by the ongoing support so many Democrats are giving to the pro-Hamas demonstrations and unrest at America’s colleges and high schools.

These are America’s future leaders,” he said. “And, sadly, they are resembling the Hitler Youth of Nazi Germany. I cannot go on to support people who willingly support this hate for Jews and Israel.”

This is a man who has championed civil liberties for all for decades by representing unpopular people including OJ Simpson, Jeffrey Epstein, Patty Hearst, Leona Helmsley, Claus Von Bulow and Harvey Weinsten. He gave counsel to the legal team representing Kathy Keeton in her Supreme Court win, Keeton v Hustler, in her high profile, sexual harrassment case against Larry Flynt.

He also was criticized by the left for defending Donald Trump at his first Impeachment. He indicated that he has “gradually” been moving away from the Democrat Party but that the convention was the nail on the the coffin.

He consider himself a longtime, self-described, liberal Democrat, who believes in the Constitution and the rule of law. He has said that everyone is entitled to a rigorous, competent, quality defense, and proves it with some of his most despicable clients as defendants.

He has said he has not yet made up his mind for whom he will vote. He is giving the Harris-Biden Adminstration every opportunity to vocalize and demonstrate what it plans to do regarding the aggression against Israel by Iran and its accolytes.

 He will make up his mind by November 1 to see how Harris and company will address this issue


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