Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Kamster Gets Bit By Her Own Snake Bite

A video resurfaced from 2018 on Monday and was shown all around the internet, the New York Post reported. Then, Senator Kacklin’ Kammy and Ellen DeGenerate were joking about assassinating President Trump, Vice President Pence, Attorney General Jeff Sessions or some other Cabinet Member.
If you had to be stuck on an elevator with either President Trump, [Vice President] Mike Pence or [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions, who would it be?” TV host Ellen DeGeneres asked Harris in an April, 2018 interview.

Harris deadpanned back, “Does one of us have to come out alive?” before breaking into her stupid, idiotic cackle.

Of course, the idiots in the audience whooped and cheered with that snide remark. Of course they would. DeGenerate’s producers packed the audience with Socialist anti-Americans.

It seems to be the norm: from Rosie and the View, and all the midday afternoon news/entertainment tripes; have a controversial host and schedule raucous guests to say something outlandish for ratings boosts.

But it has come back to bite the Kamster because she is part of the hate speech and assassinations surrounding her opponent. She was right there egging it all on with her venom.

She was the Junior Senator from California at the time and the most recent Attorney General for that state, not some Comedy Central stand up comedian. Some people, like Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh were sick enough to take her comments as “marching orders”.

Perhaps, she and Biden and the rest of the Democrats need to tone down their hateful rhetoric. NOW, before something really tragically happens.

Saying “sorry” after the fact won’t fix the disaster their vitriol is spewing.

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