Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Who Has the Courage to Term Limit the Court AND the Congress?

Since Donald Trump became President after the 2016 election, Democrats have looked for ways to affect the balance of a conservative-leaning Court. The latest for several years has been to place Term Limits on the Justices’ service.
Finally, in 2023, Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who is running for his fourth six-year term, wrote a bill, which in the Democrat ideal world, would do exactly that, at the same eighteen years that Senator Whitehouse has already served. The Kamster has indicated that she would sign it if she were elected President.

However, at this point, I don’t think it can succeed, for a very specific reason. It would have to be a Constitutional Amendment, similar to the Twenty-Second Amendment, limiting Presidential terms.

The Supreme Court is a co-equal Branch of the United States government and must be treated the same as the Executive and Legislative branches. Inasmuch as a Constitutional Amendment requires the assent of two-thirds of the House, two-thirds of the Senate, AND three-quarters of the States, under the present divisive political climate, it will NEVER happen.

Of course, if it magically did, the first to be affected would be Clarence Thomas. He is the one Justice EVERY Democrat loves to hate. Especially the leftists/socialists. Like AOC and Warren.

But then, it would also be essential to include language which would not affect the current Court, at the time of ratification, until the next the next specified time after that ratification. Like, for example, five years after ratification.

And then, if one were to be really courageous, how about including within that amendment, language which establishes term limits for all Members of both Houses of Congress? If your answer is “NO”, then kindly take a seat and shut the hell up.

Let’s see who has the courage to stand up for THAT one.

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