Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Final Straw How the Church Lost Me

Here is an idea. Why doesn’t Pope Francis worry about the evil in the Church, like priests molesting children while bishops cover it up, instead of butting his Socialist Argentinian nose in American politics?

I have provided the story I found on CNN online and elsewhere for your review and consideration.

The Pope, apparently, has too much time on his hands and has decided he needs to “offer guidance” to American Catholics. How about, instead, he worries about the sins going on under HIS leadership?

I have never cared for this Pope. His predecessor, Benedict, was horrible and when he resigned, I actually wrote a commentary called Art, Life and The Papacy. It was my third-ever commentary and I prayed it would be an answered prayer

I gave Francis a long time to set the Church back onto a better course. But I came to realize he was worse than Benedict. For me, it was the proverbial straw and I finally made a decision to find another way. He lost me

It was not one I came to rashly. After all, I was an Altar Boy until I was nineteen, planned to enter the Seminary after High School but then waited a year. 

I began to question much of the doctrine, and decided, over time, which man-made rules I agreed with, and which, to me, were utter nonsense. I still accept the Dogma, which is the basis for Christianity, and so I now go to my local Evangelical Church.

The Church has no business involving itself in politics or political issues. Its business should be about saving souls. And it is doing a pretty poor job at it.

I know I am not alone in my feelings. But I am not afraid to express them, either. I have been told I am a man of deep feelings and I know, in many ways, this is true.

If you are offended by my comments, don’t be. I am not criticizing your belief system. If you are happy with the Church, then I am happy you are at peace with it.

I am not and I am just letting you know why. 

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