Thursday, September 5, 2024

On Beating Cancer

Many people have used a holistic treatment to battle cancer. Most will have a surgery to remove the the localized, aggressive cells, determine that the cancer has not spread, and may refuse chemotherapy and/or radiation to prevent additional spreading since it was caught early.
In my two cases, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer and then, Stage 2 Bladder Cancer. In each case, the cancer was discovered in lymph nodes outside the local area, and chemo, immunotherapy and other treatments were prescribed to combat the further spread. But no radiation. For me.

But, for Elle MacPherson, she was able to avoid chemotherapy and radiation because it was still in the earliest stage, Stage 0. So she opted to treat the cancer holistically. And that was a good method for her.

Elle practiced alternative therapies, such as exercise, sufficient sleep, stress reduction and a diet that enhances the good bacteria in the gut, which are meant to complement orthodox cancer treatments. But she did it without chemo or radiation.

She is seven years cancer-free, and spiritually, she has found it uplifting, knowing she made the right choice. For her.

In April 2000, Suzanne Somers was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a lumpectomy to remove the cancer, followed by radiation therapy. Then, she also used holistic therapy to combat the cancer for years 

In 2018, it was reported that she underwent an experimental stem-cell therapy to regrow the breast she lost to cancer. She lived another twenty-three years after her initial diagnosis, until she passed last October, the day before her seventy-seventh birthday.

I believe that they, and I, maintained a positive outlook which helps immensely. Dealing with cancer impacts your emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual well-being, not to mention the financial drain in your life.

And like Elle and Suzanne, having a good support system around you is the greatest blessing of all. There are days one wonders what is coming next. And your support person is there to help you.

Being positive and having faith will get one through it.

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