Saturday, September 7, 2024

Do You Care How These Despicables Vote?

 Are we supposed to care what the Cheney family thinks? Or how they plan to vote? According to the New York Post and other sources, they state they are voting for the Kamster.
To me, Dick (oops, I shot my Friend) Cheney was the worst Vice President, bar none, for the terrible advice he gave to President George W. Bush. After 9/11, it was Cheney, an early proponent to invade Iraq, alleging that the Saddam Hussein regime possessed a weapons of mass destruction program and had an operational relationship with Al-Qaeda. 

However, neither allegation was ever substantiated. He also pressured the intelligence community to provide intelligence consistent with the administration's rationales for invading Iraq. Or, basically, to lie.

Cheney was often criticized for the Bush administration's policies regarding the campaign against terrorism, for his support of wiretapping by the National Security Agency (NSA) and for his endorsement of "enhanced interrogation techniques" (waterboarding) which several critics have labeled as torture. And deservedly so.

It was alleged by many, with good cause, that Cheney wanted the Second Iraq War for control of the Iraqi oil fields. An official White House document acquired by the Washington Post puts the lie to testimony given by executives of five leading oil firms on November 9 before a joint meeting of the Senate Energy and Commerce committees regarding their collaboration in 2001 with Vice President Dick Cheney’s “energy task force,” officially known as the National Energy Policy Development Group.

Liz Cheney was one of thirty-five Republicans who joined all Democrats in voting to approve legislation to establish the January 6 commission meant to investigate the storming of the U.S. Capitol. Before the vote, she was one of few Republican lawmakers who openly expressed support for the January 6 Commission. She was one of only two Republicans on the Committee and was rewarded by Nancy Pelosi with an appointment to Vice Chair.

Her disdain and contempt for Donald Trump is well-known and documented in her writings and her speeches. Cheney supported the second impeachment of Donald Trump for his role in the 2021 storming of the U.S. Capitol. 

It was because of her stance on the Capitol riot, her impeachment vote, and her opposition to Trump's stolen-election narrative, that pro-Trump Freedom Caucus members of the House Republican Conference twice attempted, and ultimately succeeded, to remove her from party leadership.

For these reasons, along with so many others, prompts me to not care a bit what these two despicable people believe or say. Their unconscionable behavior as Republicans and as American citizens, only interested in their own self-aggrandizement, disgusts my own sensibilities.

I do not care what they say because it is to promote their own self-importance. They are not interested in what is best for America, but what is best in their own self-interest and perception.

We are worse off because the Cheneys held power in America.

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