Monday, September 23, 2024

The Snake Tells Another Lie

Once again, in an effort to play political “my Dad is stronger than your Dad”, both parties played political “chicken” and by the look and sound of it, old Chuckit Schumer thinks he, and the Democrat Party, is the big winner.
In a way, he is right. In every game where a winner is declared, there is a big loser. And this time, Schmuckie, it isn’t the Republicans. No, they were the runner-ups.

Instead, the big loser is the American people.

Fox News and others are reporting that a “bipartisan agreement” was reached on Sunday, funding the government until December 20, beyond the upcoming election. The only additional funds added was $231MM for the U.S. Secret Service with conditions that the agency cooperates with congressional investigations.

What a joke!

And so President Trump may not have to worry about another attempt on his life? But I digress.

Now, the Huckster can pound his chest and go home to campaign for other Democrat candidates, claiming what a wonderful job he and the Democrats did by sticking it to the big bad Republicans. I am sure he won’t mention the huge mess he is kicking down the road until Christmas, when we all have to wonder what will happen to us then.

Still trying to make himself into St Chuck, he said, “While I am pleased bipartisan negotiations quickly led to a government funding agreement free of cuts and poison pills, this same agreement could have been done two weeks ago.

Right, Chuck. You were the Golden Boy, the White Knight, fighting for truth, justice and the American people. No, you dumb bobblehead doll. You were fighting for YOU only, the public be damned.

Sit down, you fraud, STFU and hopefully, on November 6, the people will have voted enough Republicans in, so you lose your slim majority, and then in your embarrassment, you will just slink away.

Like the slimy snake you really are.

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