Saturday, September 14, 2024

Garland and His Hypocrisy on Full Display

I had to laugh
when I read in today’s Washington Examiner an article in which Tulsi Gabbard tore apart Attorney General Merrick Garland for his praise of the Department of Justice staff for defending Americans’ civil liberties. 

Tulsi shared that she found it “hard not to laugh” at Garland’s claims that federal agencies are “never” politicized with Fox News host Laura Ingraham.
If you recall my blog from August, The Deep State vs Tulsi Gabbard, I outlined how Homeland Security placed her on a terror watch list after she criticized Kammy. She was treated like she was a terrorist, as was her husband, because she exercised her right to free speech.

But nary a sound was made from Garland about this violation of Tulsi and her husband’s civil rights, even after she complained.

The sounds of silence were deafening. Merrick Garland did NOTHING to investigate or rectify Tulsi’s claim.

Instead, Merrick Garland has shown himself to be a stooge for the Deep State.

Can you imagine if this anti-American DemoNazi had been appointed to the Supreme Court when Barry O nominated him in 2016? I shudder to think what other disasters to American civil liberties would be the result of any rulings he could have affected.

When Donald Trump is elected on November 5, I hope his first order of business is to FIRE this American abuser of our rights. Then, we can all rest easy, knowing the Department of (In)Justice will be rid of this cancerous sore.

And then, Tulsi, and others, will see that Justice is back to stay.

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