Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How Many More Spies Are In Government Agencies?

What is with the politicians who run New York City and New York State? Do they not know how to run background checks on potential employees in high government positions?

Apparently not, it seems.

Last week, I told you about Linda Sun and her husband Chris Hu in my commentary on the State’s failure in How Many More PRC Spies Are In Our Government?

Today, the New York Post and other publications have revealed that a top aide to embattled New York Police Department Commissioner Edward Caban is associated with shadowy groups that do the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party.

Lin Gui’an, 49, the assistant director of the Police Commissioner Liaison Unit, was previously vice chairman of a nonprofit linked to a web of CCP-controlled community groups and school associations, known as United Front.

 What the hell is going on here?

I realize Mayor Eric Adams has brought on this additional scrutiny by the Federal government because he challenged Biden with the Harris-Biden administration’s dumping of so many illegal aliens into the City. So this scrutiny is a bit of payback.

But what does this say of the City’s overall employment hiring procedures? Loose? Flawed? NON-EXISTENT?

If this happened in a private company, both the owner and the hiring manager would be led out of the facility in handcuffs, in a perp-walk, and the building would be shuttered. And forget about the mounting fines and penalties!

But the Harris-Biden Administration’s hands aren’t squeaky clean, either. Incumbent Julie Su, Acting Secretary of Labor since March 11, 2023, has had her confirmation stalled by the Democrat-controlled Senate for 549 days. Why? She was born here, but her mother is from China and her father is from Taiwan. Is there a potential problem here?

I am not judging the Chinese. No, instead, it is the government hiring practices I question. Federal, State AND City. And how many other States and cities have lax practices?

I think we need to be paying more attention to the rules we ALL must follow. The government does not get to to exempt itself from the rules to which they make the rest of us comply.

As the adage goes, what’s good for the... you know the thing!

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