Friday, September 20, 2024

The Disastrous Biden Legacy

What will be the Biden Legacy for his Presidency? High inflation? Failure of Foreign Policy? The rise of Anti-Semitism worse than in the 1930s?
How about the Weaponization of the entire Executive Branch?

Any one of these would be an unmitigated disaster to his legacy just by itself. But together, they reveal incompetence, stupidity and criminal behavior against the American people, generally, and persecution of opponents specifically.

Especially the Weaponization of the Executive Branch.

We all can agree that the DOJ is out to get Donald Trump; whether you like him or not, if you are a fair-minded person, you must admit that some of those charges would never be raised against a Democrat. And you know, many are not as pure as the driven snow.

And fortunately, the courts still hold some sway to make certain Constitutional Law, as written, prevails.

The latest weaponization has occurred with the FAA saying SpaceX violated launch requirements during two missions: In July 2023, during SpaceX’s EchoStar XXIV/Jupiter mission, the company used an unapproved propellant farm as a fuel supplier. In May 2023, it failed to conduct a pre-launch poll and used an unapproved launch control room.

But, as reported in the Washington Times today, Elon Musk said in his counter-suit, NO PUNISHMENT was assessed to Boeing for its failure in the Starliner Fiasco despite almost killing two astronauts AND the potential of blowing up the Space Station.

He will sue the Federal Aviation Administration for “regulatory overreach” after the agency fined the company $630,000 for violating launch regulations.

Good. The “Lawfare” Biden has overseen must be stopped and when the bureaucrats running the show get fired for causing financial harm to the United States, then perhaps, it will finally stop.

Meanwhile, this is Biden’s Legacy. GOOD JOB, Joey. You made your family proud.

And in fifty years you will be remembered as the Most Incompetent and Corrupt President we ever had. Teapot Dome will be a blip compared to what you were.

All Rebuke the Biden Legacy!

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