Monday, September 9, 2024

The REAL Reason for Declining Gas Prices

With less than two months to go to Election Day, it appears that the price of gas took a tumble from Friday. On Friday, gas was averaging $3.15 per gallon throughout Central Florida.
Today, I saw stations posted at under $3.00, with some as low as $2.95.

CBSNEWS online is reporting that gas, on average, has dropped ten cents across the state since last week, while the AAA auto club said Florida drivers paid an average of $3.28 for a gallon of regular unleaded gas last Tuesday, up three cents from a week earlier.

The experts claim it is because of two things: one, the summer driving season is done; and two winter season blending is starting to be distributed.

While both of these claims may be true, NO ONE is mentioning that in eight weeks from tomorrow, this thing called a Presidential election will be happening. But that wouldn’t matter, would it?

Amazingly, this is the lowest gasoline has been since June, 2023 in the Orlando area, when it was $3.65 or more. And why is that? Why was there no URGENCY to expedite the drop in gasoline prices, then?

Because there was no upcoming election, and the Harris-Biden Administration didn’t consider it a priority. But now, a lot of effort is being made behind the scenes to help her win. And reducing the price of gas will go a long way to help her cause.

But isn’t THAT election interference? A reasonable person might think that. It didn’t matter in 2022 or 2023 when the cost of gas to truckers kept the price of food high. No, it didn’t matter then. Biden and Harris didn’t care.

But, now there is a good chance Kammy could lose. So, now there is a sense of urgency. For HER. Not YOU.

I hope we all remember this on November 5 and make sure she pays for this and so many other things to which she was indifferent. When it could have helped us all.

I know I will.

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