Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Donald Trump's "Consequential" Comment

Yesterday, Donald Trump regaled the crowd with an update on the latest assassination attempt at a Town Hall in Flint, Michigan. You remember Flint, yes? The city of Flint, Michigan changed their municipal water supply source from the Detroit-supplied Lake Huron water to the Flint River. And took two years to resolve.

Anyway, President Trump  recounted some of the events surrounding the latest assassination attempt against him. He tried to foist some humor by saying he was disappointed that he had to leave the golf course just as he was going for a “birdie” (one under par) shot.

But then, he made an interesting comment. “Only consequential presidents get shot at,” Trump said during the event before telling the story, calling it a “miracle”.

Those six words made me think how right he really was. In my lifetime, I can recall only three Presidents getting shot at: John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Each was consequential.

John F Kennedy was a strong anti-Communist, strong on defense and a civil rights advocate.  He also gave Americans a tax cut. After the Cuban missile crisis he wanted to wind down the Cold War, beginning with the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (NTBT.

Ronald Reagan also was a strong anti-Communist, was strong on defense and gave Americans a tax cut. He worked to end the Cold War and negotiated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. 

Donald Trump was a believer in a strong military, closed the border, worked for America’s energy independence, gave Americans a tax cut and kept America out of new wars, while negotiating our withdrawal from a war, started and continued, by his two immediate predecessors.

Each of these Presidents put America’s interests first on the international stage and was vilified for it by the cabal in the military-industrial complex. Today we call this the Deep State.

Makes you begin to think who really has America’s best interests at heart, doesn’t it?


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