Friday, September 20, 2024

The Price For Justice Denied Is Finally Paid

Here is something the Left can get its panties in a wad again. It was reported today in the New York Post and elsewhere that America’s ally Israel, through its IDF military arm, took out Hezzbollah leader, Ibrahim Aqil.
Why does this matter? Well, in 1983 he was one of the masterminds who killed 241 Marines in Beirut.

Aqil, most recently a member of Hezbollah’s highest military body, the Jihad Council, “was eliminated in a targeted intelligence-based strike in Beirut,” the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement.

At the time of Aqil’s death, the IDF said, he and other terror commanders were planning a fresh incursion into Israel to “kidnap and murder innocent civilians in a similar manner to the October 7 Massacre.”

But I am sure the anti-Semites will lament his death and castigate Israel. Of course they will. That is what they do best.

And, finally, the families of the Marines and the embassy staff, and others who died because this man practiced hate, will get the justice which was long denied to them. And I share in their relief.

Thank You and God Bless the IDF for doing the work which should have been done forty years ago.

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