Saturday, November 28, 2015

History and Prophecy

Someone posted a meme and article from Conservative Post to Facebook which insinuated that we are now witnessing the beginning of WWIII. I disagree.
In my view, WWIII was the Cold War: Korea, Vietnam, Angola, the various wars between Arabs and Israel. It pitted the US and the USSR against each other through proxy nations without going nuclear. I believe we are well into WWIV which will not end without a nuclear attack by one of the participants in the war ongoing in the Middle East.
The ISIS shoot-down of a Russian airliner, back in October, was the start of the latest phase in the ongoing battle of the West against the butchery of ISIS. For the last year or so, the United States sporadically bombed known ISIS locations without critically impacting its ability to continue to wreak havoc and terrorize Christians, Yadzis and non-conforming Muslims in the region.
Then, earlier this month, the terrorist attacks in Paris made Europe realize that the invasion of radical Islamists was in high gear. Within the last week, Russia accused Turkey, which is a secret supporter of ISIS, of shooting down a Russian Su-24 jet. Turkey responded that the jet crossed into Turkish airspace, while Russia maintained that the jet was still in Syrian airspace.
Turkey, as a member of NATO, is considering invoking Article 5 which would require other NATO powers to come to its aid should Russia retaliate.
The key section of the NATO treaty is Article 5. Its commitment clause defines the casus foederis, or the event upon the occurrence. It commits each member state to consider an armed attack against one member state to be an armed attack against them all. Presently, twenty-eight nations comprise NATO.
Ironically, WWI ultimately started because diplomacy between the combatants in that war failed after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian nationalist. This caused the Ottoman Empire, which is now Turkey, Syria and other modern-day Middle East countries, to ally itself with the Central Powers of the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires. History has that nasty habit of repeating itself, doesn't it?
This time, however, there are nations which possess the ability to bring a real nightmare to the region, including, Russia and its allies, Israel, the United States and its allies, and others who possess the bomb. Cooler heads need to prevail or we could be looking at an unmitigated disaster to all mankind. The deaths which occurred in all the wars of the 20th century would be dwarfed by comparison to the deaths which could potentially occur should all-out war break out in Syria and the rest of the region, which ISIS calls the Levant, the area which runs from Turkey southward to the Egyptian Sinai and east to Iraq-Iran border.
The participants of WWI did not realize the rapidity of the downward slope to war until they were well into it. And as of this writing, we are well on the way to the bottom of the slippery slope as WWIV is quickly heating up.
It is time for world leaders to exercise real leadership or WWV will be the war fought with radioactive sticks and stones. If anyone is able to survive the clouds caused by the fog of the coming war, that is mankind's future.
St John the Evangelist and his Revelation Prophesy will have precisely called the Battle of Tel Meggiddo... or Armageddon.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

That Day Which Lives On

President and Mrs. Kennedy at Love Field, Dallas, Texas, 22 November 1963.

Do you remember where you were 52 years ago, at 12:30 PM CST, when the news first broke about a shooting which took place in Dallas? It was 1:30 in Floral Park and I was in the Principal’s office at OLV because I had to explain why I didn’t do anything for the Science Fair, which was supposed to take place that night. For obvious reasons, it was postponed.
Shortly after, we received the news which changed America forever. The young, vigorous President was dead, and the underlying message was that nothing in this country would ever be as it was. It was the day America lost its innocence.
Presidential motorcade in Dallas, Texas, 22 November 1963
Over the years, many of us have come to believe that our government, through the Warren Commission, has lied about the nature of President Kennedy’s death. Part of the final report dictates that the evidence and all the investigative material surrounding this “investigation” cannot be unsealed until 2039, long after anyone who certainly was an adult at the time, all the players and most anyone else alive at the conclusion of that investigation might also be long gone.
However, for today, I want to share again my Commentary from November 22, 2013, as I recalled the events from 50 years earlier, when I was a twelve year old boy and the lasting impression THAT weekend made on me. Also, all throughout November, 2013 there are other memories I have shared in my personal blogsite,, concerning the events of that time in our history. As always, your comments are welcome.
Friday, November 22, 2013
The History of THE Weekend
WH-HO (crop): White House Portrait of President Kennedy, undated
The solemnity of November 22, 1963, fifty years later, can be matched only by December 7, 1941, April 12, 1945, August 6, 1945 and September 11, 2001. Each of these dates mean something very serious, very reverent to those who were alive at the time the significant events of history exploded off the calendar.
For the rest of us, we recognize the importance in history of the dates mentioned, but if we weren't alive at the time, we have no memory of why it is so, and how each affected us and our country.
For me, certainly, I was a 12 year old kid when I learned of JFKs shooting and subsequent death. As one who served as an altar boy, I was aware of death from a general sense. And I had known kids my age who died well before they should have.
But the death of JFK was different. He was our leader, after all, and someone had the audacity to take him from us. Why? As we now know, there are many conspiracy theories which beg to answer that simple question and in 50 years, we are no closer to the answer than we were at 1pm CST that horrible afternoon.
President Lyndon B. Johnson takes the Oath of Office from Judge Sarah T. Hughes aboard Air Force One as Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Johnson, aides and Members of Congress look on, 22 November 1963.
For baby-boomers, this was the first significant event that we could see change our country. The other dates, Pearl Harbor, FDRs death and Hiroshima, well, our parents told us about those events from their perspective, or we learned about them in school. But the death of JFK, like the terrorist attacks in NY and DC were current events to us and we were able to take in our own memories with those events.

That weekend for all of us was the "WEEKEND FROM HELL" and we saw our country change right before our eyes as TV grew up and matured overnight. First came the landing of Air Force One on Friday night at Andrews. We saw the casket come off the plane and placed into the waiting hearse for the drive to Bethesda.
Next, came the Saturday dirge as it rained in NY and DC all day. This made the events played out on TV even more maudlin than they were, because our mood as a nation, as a people, was already well into a depressive state without having a dreary day on top.
When we thought it couldn't get any worse, on Sunday morning we watched horrified as the alleged assassin was assassinated before our very eyes. I recall turning to my dad as we both stared shocked at the TV, unbelievingly. As that day dragged on, we saw the caisson carry his body to the rotunda of the Capitol building, through the streets of Washington, lined 10 deep with mourners, as they stood for hours in the rain waiting to catch a glimpse of the flagged-draped casket.
Mrs Kennedy went to the casket with her six year old daughter to kneel and say a prayer at the funeral bier. The casket was surrounded by a military honor guard, from each service branch, which stood at attention through the wee hours of Monday morning, with a TV camera focused always on that scene.
AR8255-2B Kennedy Family members leave the Capitol Building, 24 November 1963.
The weather on the 25th was much better, with a crisp, sunny autumn sky as the backdrop. We saw "John-John" salute his father at his mother's urging and his sister hold a flag in her hand, while holding her mother's. Then the procession began with the family, Jackie, Bobby and Teddy, leading the hundreds of national and international dignitaries to the church and later, to Arlington, where JFK was laid to rest.
The military, the riderless horse with boots placed in reverse in the stirrups, and the incessant drumbeat were all permanent touches of our senses that day. We watched as the procession continued on foot all through the District, crossing the Potomac River Bridge, until the mourners arrived in Arlington. We watched Jackie kneel and light the Eternal Flame, which burns brightly to this day.
Finally, mercifully, that tragic weekend came to an end, as we watched President Johnson greet the likes of De Gaulle, MacMillan and Adenauer to accept their condolences and their regrets on behalf of all of us.
TV played an important part in this weekend, which will live vividly in the minds of all who were alive at that time. TV has certainly played an important part this month to remind all of us of those events. I would venture to guess that TV will continue to remind us of those terrible events in the months and years to come.
But nothing will make the same impression on us as our own memories of that terrible weekend of our history. To me, that was the day, the weekend, that changed our country forever. We will never be the same again.
"And sure there's simply not, a more congenial spot, than happy everaftering, than here in Camelot."

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Providing for the Common Defense - State Style

Several State Governors understand the meaning of their oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Too bad other Governors and the President of the United States do not.
Presently, twenty-six governors have decided that in order to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare of their States, they will stand up to the Islamist In Chief by preventing unvetted Syrian refugees from entering their States. Where are the Governors of New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, California and all the rest? Why, they are waffling so as not to be sued by the lawless Obama Administration for defending their citizens!!
As a resident of New York, I find the actions of Andrew Cuomo to be despicable as he cares more about party than for his State or country. He needs to take a stand against accepting refugees, NOW! I must admit I voted for this coward and I apologize to all New Yorkers and Americans for my lack of judgement. If he allows refugees here, I will not vote for him again should he chose to run.
Nevertheless, Obama and his Constitution violators are scrambling to find some means to still force this action upon us, as reported by
Just because he presently has a bully pulpit as he stands in a Muslim country to criticize those governors who understand the meaning of the Preamble to our Constitution, it is a shame he does not. Let me provide you with those well-chosen words.
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Nowhere does it say either here or in the Constitution in its entirety that the States MUST allow refugees from Syria, or any other country, into the United States because the President wishes or demands it to be so. No, Mr. President, you are not our boss. We are yours. And the majority of Americans now say, "No. Not this time."
Should he continue down this path, the Congress MUST impeach him for this lawless, unconstitutional behavior and activity. This is a Constitutional crisis of the first order. Clinton was impeached for less and Nixon resigned for less.
I wonder if he realizes the consequence of his actions. After all, isn't he a former Constitutional Law Professor? If he gets convicted, he gets no library, no pension and no lifetime Secret Service protection for himself or his wife.
I hope the remainder of the States have the same understanding of the Constitution as the first twenty-six.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

My Right of Free Speech - and Yours, Too

Over the last few days, some friends of mine on Facebook have criticized my posts as being hateful toward Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama. Let me make it clear: I don't hate him. He absolutely disgusts me.
One friend claimed that he deserves our loyalty and our support, apparently blindly, just because he is the President of the United States. To that friend, let me ask you this: Did you support Nixon blindly because he was President during Watergate? Or Bush during the Iraq War? I don't think you did.
As you might recall, this country was founded on the following premise"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government."
This probably is the most important clause of our Declaration of Independence, you know, that document which announced the break between the American Colonies and the despotic King George III. So loyalty to a President should not be blind. He or She is a person, with a political agenda which may be contrary to the majority of the people. And if you tell me that Obama was elected twice, well, so were Nixon and BushPeople have the right to turn on the one they elected in this country.
This government exists with the "consent of the governed"not with the obedience of the governedThe First Amendment of our Constitution, which is the First Right in our Bill of Rights, discusses our Freedom of Speech. As a free-thinking AmericanI will always speak out when our government and its leaders, in my view, violates the Constitution of this country, which they have sworn to uphold.
The Constitution is our Basic Law, not a suggestion list. The men and women who have served in the military to defend the Constitution, the freedoms it discusses and protects the liberties We the People enjoy, did so for our benefit, not to blindly obey a political person with an agenda. Therein lies the difference between my friends' opinions and mine.
I am not a believer of being politically correct. To me, that is a surrender of my Right to Free Speech, which until my last breath will NEVER happen. I am amazed that so many people are willing to relinquish this right, in order not to offend the President or other people who serve and work for US.
In the end, I must look into the mirror and be able to say that the man looking back at me is true to himself and to his beliefs. If I abrogated my freedoms and my moresI would not be the man I amThat would disgust me.
So, I will always speak out, be sure of that. If you don't like what I say, you have the right not to read my commentaries and my posts. If you wish to comment, or notthat is your right, as well. I support and, in fact, encourage you to respond. But I will not change my views for fear of you criticizing my beliefs, or you “unfriending” me.
Don't tell me that my views are beliefs are wrong or mean-spirited. Instead, please understand my views are honest, always with an eye to the Constitution. That is my Sacred Document. Do not dare try to stifle my defense of it.
Neither you, nor the government, will succeed in taking that away from me until I breathe no more.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Islamization of Europe (and the World)

There was an interesting article in Conservative America Online which overviewed the European countries which will be Islamic Republic within the next twenty years. Each country is broken down by demographics, including race, ethnicity, religion and other factors. It is interesting to note that only one of the former Warsaw Pact nations, like Russia, Poland, Romania, etc., is included in this study.
I know many people will argue that it is impossible for less than five percent of the population of each of the countries cited could force such a change in the type of country or form of government each country enjoys. I will explain why it is possible in just a bit. Just keep in mind that history, if left unchecked, has an uncanny way of repeating itself when no one is watching.
The European Union is "borderless" entity which allows for free travel within the entirety. In addition, it is so large, its outlying borders are difficult to guard. After all, who will pay for it and who will provide the troops to do so? It reminds me a bit like the first Roman Empire, don't you agree? The influx of "refugees" from Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East grows larger each day, and astonishingly, it is about 75% male between the ages of 15 to 45. There are no old people making the trek, and very few women and young children.
But I digress.
I believe it is appeasement, hoping for peace and tranquility, which allows for the European Union to kneel before the Crescent. It is eerily a repeat of Britain and France, two ultimately spineless countries, which kept giving in to Nazi Germany in the late 1930s.
This was amazing, considering that only seven or eight percent of all Germans were Nazis. The major reason why the remainder of the German populace followed Hitler like sheep was that he was elected to the Office of Chancellor on a promise to keep the peace. And for years, he did.
He essentially unilaterally tore up the Treaty of Versailles by mobilizing the German Army in violation of that treaty. Since the US, a signer of the treaty remained isolationist by not participating in the League of Nations, the bulwark of the treaty, Hitler felt he had free reign to do whatever he wished to build a Greater Germany. He knew that Britain and France did not have the stomach for war within twenty years of the last one. And he knew he had the support of the people, especially since he was able to annex Austria without a whimper from the British and the French.
Hence, Munich, Polish invasion, World War II.
Fast forward seventy years.
The same mentality exists in Europe as it did back then. The initial immigration from Islamic lands to the former colonial powers began during and after WWII as the people found that the governments which replaced the colonial masters were not governments which treated the masses with benign neglect as the colonialists did. Instead, these were and are autocratic dictatorships.
Those people who want refugee status are bringing their lifestyles, religions and mindsets with them. Initially, the EU welcomed them because it was seen as cheap labor (sound familiar?). But, as the Muslim population grew, the demands for "more rights" and submissive acceptance by the Europeans grew louder, and since the UN is predominately an entity controlled by Islamic countries in the General Assembly, their demands were heard and Europe was forced to listen.
With the re-election of Obama in the United States, who realized that he would not face consequences for his actions, the US became the biggest proponent for the Islamic movement throughout the world, including Europe. Europe has now cowered to the will of less than 5% of its populace because the nations which comprise the EU have finally recognized that by creating their monster in the 1990s to compete economically with the US, they have abrogated their identities as free and independent countries.
When you factor in the lack of security to cross from one country to another, the nomadic Islamists have the ability to appear larger and stronger in each country until the country which is dealing with the demands acquiesces with little fanfare and courage to stand up to the pressure.
But now, in addition to Britain and France, the Nazi appeasers who laid the groundwork, you now add post-war Germany, a  once robust, democratic and economically viable country to the list of Muslim appeasers, which is led by a person who was raised in Communist East Germany. Angela Merkel has been the Chancellor of Germany since 2005 and the de facto head of the EU since at least 2008.
As with the Nazis of Germany in the 1930s, the Islamists need to reach a population size of more than 5% to be able to withstand Christian opposition, on the continent of the Cross. Soon enough, the twelve countries cited will bow to the will of the minority because there is little to no resistance now to stop them. Then, the movement to the Western Hemisphere will begin.
In many states and cities in the US, there are conclaves of communities which are now controlled by Muslims. It is only a matter of time when we will see the beginnings of a Muslim takeover here. It has begun, and each day, those here are becoming more emboldened.
I don't think it will take twenty years to conquer Europe; I believe it has almost been accomplished. Instead, I believe in less than twenty years, possibly closer to ten years, the US may look like Europe does now.
I pray to God I am wrong.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Liberal Racists Show Their Ugly Heads

I am amazed how liberals who have called me a borderline racist for my anti-Obama posts are now flooding the Internet with Ben Carson's picture on a box of rice with the words "Uncle Ben's Instant Bull $#!+" emblazoned across the box. Uhm... NOW who is the "borderline racist" you hypocrites?
I admit I hate Obama. I gave him his honeymoon way back in 2009 until I saw that he truly meant what he said about fundamentally transforming America. I hate him, not because he is black, but because he is an Unconstitutional, Socialist, anti-American traitor.
In case you forgot, I initially wanted Allen West to run for President, and I wrote a commentary about that in May, 2015 called West/Fiorina - The Whys and WhereforesBut after listening to him state over and over that he would not run, I moved on. Trust me, he would be a good President, better than Obama ever was on his best day.
Oh, and don't forget I have criticized Bush, both of them, and Clinton, and even Carter, Ford and Nixon. I hated LBJ with a passion. As far as I can see, they were WHITE. So, don't you dare call ME a racist.
George Carlin, My Favorite Philosopher, who followed in the footsteps of Lenny Bruce and Mort Sahl, never let an inept President out of his crosshairsHe was constantly criticizing our government and its leaders (not mine or ours) for its and their failures to govern as the Constitution intended - of, for and by the people. And as bad as I thought W was, especially near the end of his Presidency, Obama has been far worse.
I can only imagine what George Carlin would be saying about Obama, if he were still alive. Would you, all of you, who laughed at Carlin's criticism of Bush or Clinton etal, think that George Carlin was a racist if he criticized Obama? Carlin was a Great American in my book and he never displayed any racism in his comments. He was an Equal Opportunity Critic of all hypocrisy and government bull$#!+ no matter who the jerkweed was.
So, to all you liberals who claim to be for the tribulations of the Black people in our country, you are no better than the racists who run the KKK with all the anti-Carson trash you have posted. You have proven to me at least, that unless the Black man or woman is spewing your righteous, hypocritical bull$#!+, then it is ok to call Ben Carson, David Webb, Crystal Wright, Dr Tom Sewell or Allen West racist epithets, like Uncle Tom, or portray them in "slave" portraits like Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben.
You are as racist to me as David Duke or Unrev Al Sharpton. You, and the limousine liberals you emulate, have betrayed yourselves finally to be the closet racists I knew you were inside.
And you follow Obama, the biggest racist of all, even today as the flower is falling off the lily, like he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I shake my head in disgust at you.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Meet Lester Holt - Another NBC/DNC Flunky

I still held out hope that Lester Holt, while an employee of NBC News, the parent company of CDNC and MSLSD, would hold himself to be a respected, neutral, fair-minded journalist. BZZZZZZ, NOT!!!
In his recent interview with the man we all have come to see as a Flip Wilson wannabe, but not funny like Flip, he proceeded to offer up one softball after another, almost placing them on a tee, so that the jerkweed who tries to imitate perhaps Redd Foxx, again not as funny as Redd, smacks them out of the park with ease. I have provided you with the interview via MRC NEWSBUSTERS.
Mr Holt then becomes part of the interview by praising Obummer as if he were a sage or a comic genius. Let me clear this up now - Barry, you are an unfunny, pitiful imitation of a President. Instead, you are a dumb@$$ clown, which I despise by the way.
So back to the imitation of a journalist. Lester baby, you have stooped lower than Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow, if that were possible. Any journalistic integrity you may have had is now gone with the Brian Williams wind. You should be ashamed of yourself for your conduct. But like all LSM jerks, you have no shame.
As the face of NBC Newsyour responsibility was to be impartial while conducting an interview or even reporting the news. I guess you were absent from your Journalism class the day they taught impartiality.
One of your predecessors in your chair, John Chancellor, was a liberal as defined by the etymology of words in his day. But, he would NEVER offer his opinion or even his feelings, during an interview. Not even during Watergate. If he offered an opinion, it would appear at the end of his broadcast, during a clearly marked segment.
So, Les booby, good luck shaving tomorrow, as you look into the mirror and have an honesty check. It is so difficult to face the fact that you have betrayed a public trust, which was the position you once held. But no more. Don't slit your throat with that razor.
It will hurt like a bitch, much like you have shown you are now Obummer's.

Monday, November 2, 2015

A Season for the Ages

Image result for national League pennant images 2015

Congratulations are in order to the Kansas City Royals for their victory in capturing the 2015 World Series in five games over my New York Mets. They have shown that sometimes good hitting can beat good pitching, if it is timely and consistent.
But, I believe that congratulations are in order to the New York Mets, as well, because they truly gave not only the Royals a run for their money, but against ALL odds, they far and away ran roughshod over the entire National League, when none of the prognosticators, including me, gave them a chance on July 30.
The importance of that date is significant because on that afternoon, in what was supposed to be huge win against the Padres, after the dramatic Wilmer Flores non-trade debacle, the Mets managed to blow this win in a rain-soaked afternoon game which they led 7-1, and lost finally 8-7. At 7:30 that evening, after several rain delays, their record stood at 52 and 50, with the then-first place Washington Nationals looming for a weekend series.
At that point, I can assure you that I was happy my Mets were two games over .500, considering the mediocre manner in which they played up to that point. The pitching wasn't the problem, but rather, it was the lack of run support by a team who did not know how to put it away.
Then, magically, with minutes left before the trade deadline, the Mets announced a trade which would change their fortunes and turn their entire season around for good. They picked up Yoenis Cespedes for not very much, and while he didn't arrive until that day's game was over, the excitement felt by the fans and team alike seemed to re-energize the faithful, and the players, to begin a run of 38 wins and only 22 losses to capture the Eastern Division flag for the first time since 2006.
My friends can tell you that I kept saying that it was good enough, that my season was complete because they were going to the playoffs. I was happy with that. And anything else was a bonus.
The Mets overcame two difficult opponents in the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Chicago Cubs.  In those two series, the adage of good pitching will always beat good hitting proved true. By beating those teams, we captured the National League pennant for the first time since 2000. That was 15 long, painful years ago.
Ultimately, at least to this Mets fan, I can assure you that on July 30, I had no false vision or even hope that my boys would still be playing baseball over three months later at 12:15 in the morning on November 2. It was just not even a wish or fantasy that rain-soaked summer evening.
So, yes, thank you, Sandy Alderson and Terry Collins, for giving us a chance to dream and see that dream become a reality. Thank you, Matt Harvey, Jacob deGrom and the rest of the pitchers for proving you were as good or better than we could imagine. Thank you, Yoenis Cespedes and Juan Uribeand the rest of the newcomers for bringing your leadership and winning ways to a team which needed a direction. Thank you, Captain David Wright, Daniel Murphy, Lucas Duda and the rest of the team for sticking it out, playing your best over the last several years, knowing your efforts were appreciated and not in vain.
I have been Orange and Blue since '62 and I am proud of my New York Mets for giving us a season which ranks up there with 1969, 1973, 1986, 1988, 1999, 2000 and 2006, our best seasons in our 54 season history. It was one for the ages.
Thank you to the New York Mets for going up against the best in the American League and know that as this year's champs provedYOU CAN AND WILL COME BACK NEXT YEAR TO WIN IT ALL! LET'S GO METS!