Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Like Father, Like Son - Sick Bastards Both

It is now being reported by many sources that the son of suspected foiled Trump assassin, Ryan Routh, isn’t the only deranged person in his family. His son, Oran Routh, 35, was arrested and is accused in a North Carolina federal court of receiving and possessing child porn.
This is the same son who insisted two weeks ago, after his father was arrested and charged with allegedly conspiring to assassinate Donald Trump, how “saintly” and good his father is. What a good law-abiding, sick and depraved family we have here.

The Feds discovered a trove of porn on Sept. 21 when they were searching his Greensboro home in connection to a separate investigation, according to a criminal complaint.

During the search of his apartment, they found electronic devices including a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 found in a laptop bag that contained “hundreds of child pornography files,” the court papers claim. In addition, during his arrest, they confiscated a Galaxy 9 phone he was carrying, with videos and pictures of children being abused.

Such upstanding and righteous people! And the son was whining how his father was unjustly pursued and captured by the Secret Service and County law enforcement in West Palm Beach.

Since both the father and the son were arrested on Federal felony charges, maybe the government can get a two-fer and put them both into a maximum security prison together. That way, it will be a savings for the taxpayers.

And they can spend the next thirty years or so, reminiscing how the Feds were out to get them.

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