Monday, September 30, 2024

The Nightmare of New York City Continues

Oh, there is trouble brewing in Disaster City, otherwise known as the Greatest City In the World. Why? Well, its Mayor will be arrested and arraigned today on five federal charges against him, including bribery.
This has prompted his defense team to file a motion to dismiss that charge, claiming he had no power as a candidate to exert pressure on the FDNY overlook flaws in the construction of the Turkish consulate tower as a quid pro quo for accepting “gratuities” from Turkish officials.

Despite the fact that the indictment reproduces quotes from messages, emails, and conversations for numerous other points, it does not allege any specific exchanges or conversations in which Adams and the Turkish official entered into this purported quid pro quo agreement,” his legal team wrote, while pointing to a recent US Supreme Court decision that has weakened anti-corruption laws.

That is the argument the Mayor wants to make? It is splitting some really murky definitions of what may or may not be considered when one is “on the take”, don’t you think?

Compounding all of this is State and City law that gives the Governor the authority to remove the Mayor if his remaining in office is a detriment to the City and its operations. And if he is removed, then the “Acting” Mayor has three days to call for a Special Election complete Adams’ term.

Guess who wants in if that happens? Former Governor Andrew Cuomo is telling city power-brokers he will run for mayor of New York City should Mayor Adams be forced from office.

And then, there is that little, pesky annoyance call the migrant problem. It isn’t going to be eliminated, no matter what happens. There is no genie to go “poof” to make it go away. Not now. And not in the forseeable future.

So get your popcorn as we witness either a great comeback from political purgatory or the final nail in the coffin as this once-proud City is buried by the folly created by this impending disaster.

Then, henceforth, Disaster City will be its name.

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