Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Power of Reading

I was planning to write a commentary about the waste of time the interview was
, where Kammy offers forty-five minutes worth of word salad, and Timmy was blaming grammar for mis-defining his rank in the military. But it is Labor Day weekend and my brain needed to recuperate from eight weeks of comedic, lying politics.

Instead, I would like to go back a bit further in time, actually 120 MILLION years to be exact. To a time where politicians did not exist, and the earth was lush and fertile, while reptiles ruled the planet.

It was recently reported that dinosaur footprints were discovered in Eastern Brazil and the African country of Cameroon. Now, while that in itself is a nice find, but not unexpected, what makes it newsworthy of sorts is that they were made by the same breed of dinosaur. Maybe even the SAME dinosaurs.

The footprints, two hundred sixty of them, measured the same shape and size, one that would be classified as dinosaurs known as ornithischians or long-necked sauropods Study co-author and Southern Methodist University research associate, Diana P. Vineyard, said most of the footprints were created by three-toed theropods, or dinosaurs that resemble the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Why else is this important? Well, it supports a belief that at one time, South America and Africa were part of a much larger continent called Gondwana. This dinosaursuperhighway” measured about six hundred miles, or the distance between Williamsburg and Jacksonville.

Now, of course, that distance would be over three-thousand miles, with the South Atlantic Ocean in the middle of those locations. But that corridor was covered in sediment, allowing for the dinosaurs’ footprints to be preserved for millions of years. Until recently.

It is always wondrous that we are constantly learning something new about a place we call “home”. And in spite of our own hubris, the earth reveals its secrets when we least expect it.

One time long ago, as a banker, I was asked why I know so much trivia. My response, while she took offense to what she thought was condescending, really was not. It was, instead, very simple. All I said was, “I constantly read.”

And that, my friends, keeps my mind alert to everything anyone says. Even political Bull$#!+.

Friday, August 30, 2024

NASA Runs Space, NOT Private Enterprise Companies

Fortunately, NASA still controls space and every other player
must listen to the experts. SpaceX, Boeing and Blue Origin don’t fly without the NASA administrator's approval.
So when Boeing finally sent two astronauts to the space station in a capsule with helium leaks, it was with that approval. But when NASA said no to a return on an evidently damaged craft, a reluctant Boeing had to acquiesce.

But, now it has been revealed that executives from Boeing fiercely argued that NASA was being too cautious to require that those astronauts, Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, would hitch a return ride on a SpaceX in February. “It was heated,” said a NASA executive familiar with the talks.

Boeing was convinced that the Starliner was in good enough condition to bring the astronauts home, and NASA disagreed. Strongly disagreed. The thinking around here was that Boeing was being wildly irresponsible.”

And NASA was correct on inserting its superior position in the relationship. After all, had a tragedy occurred, would it be Boeing to be blamed or NASA?

Every reasonable person would agree that NASA would be blamed for that tragedy. Boeing may have a spacecraft division, but Boeing does not get to decide who can fly when or where. NASA has that final say.

I agree that the executives and team at Boeing are truly embarrassed for this failure. And I get why they argued so vociferously to stress their point. But space decisions MUST BE made by the senior partner. And that senior partner is NASA.

Perhaps, if Boeing wants to spend TRILLIONS of dollars (the amounts spent by the United States since 1959) to set up its own space program, complete with launch sites and propulsion filling stations, then go right ahead and make those wild and crazy decisions. It is a free market country.

But until then, sit down, shut up and learn the lessons NASA bitterly did when it lost nineteen souls over the last sixty-five plus years.

Elon Musk Takes Another Stand

It was reported today by Fox Business that Elon Musk is shuttering X’s, formerly Twitter, San Francisco Market Street location and moving its global headquarters to Texas.
He cited the gender identity law as being “the final straw” and attributed the move to “this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies.”

This was not unforseen with all the comments he has made since he acquired the social media giant. But he has become more vocal of late.

Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will also now move its headquarters from Hawthorne, California to Starbase, Texas. And X, HQ will move to Austin.

In a similar move in 2021, Musk moved Tesla's headquarters to Austin in protest of California's high taxes, business regulations and pandemic restrictions. The company, however, still retains headquarters in Palo Alto. For now.

He has shown he will not be intimidated by left-wing bullying and he continues to speak for free speech rights. FOR EVERYONE.

He has become a voice and a modern-day folk hero for Patriotic Americans who support his ideals.

Democrats, Harrassment and the Most Corrupt Attorney General

It is apparent to everyone that Justice Is Blind. And so is New York Attorney General Letitia James. But only if the sexual harassment is committed by a Democrat.
If you are a Republican or Donald Trump, she will come after you. Big Time.

It was reported in Thursday evening's online edition of the New York Post that DEMOCRAT State Senator John Mannion, who is running in a closely watched congressional race, had his sexual harassment charges against him quietly dropped by the State Senate. And nary a peep from Letitia.

Had the soundrel been a Republican, she would have had her claws all over him like a tiger on a boar. But somehow, she didn’t think this case was worthy of her attention.

Even that Mannion and his wife were allegedly berating staffers, making sexist and homophobic remarks was treated with a big yawn by James.

She, apparently, believes that you are entitled to Equal Justice Under the Law if you think like she thinks. Otherwise, to paraphrase Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi character, “No justice for you!

That is the proof that Letitia James is the MOST CORRUPT Attorney General ANYWHERE in the United States. And she is truly a worthless party hack. She should be impeached for her crimes against the citizens of the State of New York.

She should be disbarred and imprisoned for violating her oath to uphold the law, equally and without prejudice regardless of party.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

When Lack of Common Sense Has Awful Consequences

It appears that there is a problem in security protocol when an employee clocks in with her pass at 7 AM and no one is monitoring the check out time. It also begs the question, who was responsible to make certain all employees are accounted for at the end of the day.
Apparently, there was a breakdown in those procedures at a Wells Fargo office in Tempe, Arizona as one employee clocked in on Friday, August 17, but never clocked out.

Then, while the employees complained about a foul odor, no one walked through the facility to investigate. On Tuesday, August 20, the person was found dead at her desk.

When I was in banking, it was routine to verify that all employees who punched in each day, also punched out. It was part of the Manager and the Assistant’s responsibilities to make certain the premise was checked, including the bathrooms and the basement, to be certain no one was left behind.

It was the same procedure each morning before anyone was allowed to enter, for a whole host of reasons, including to verify no one broke in overnight.

I know in my career, there was one time that a Manager failed to verify that all employees were present and accounted for before she locked the vault for the evening. Once the vault door was closed and the combos were spun, the vault door could not be opened until the time clocks reach the morning opening set time.

Fortunately, there was a phone inside the vault and the employee who was locked inside used her common sense to page the intercom. After the vault company was called, it took several hours for the technician to bypass the clock and open the vault.

The Manager was reprimanded, the cost was high and the procedures were made more secure to be certain this would not happen again.

I an sure there was hell to pay for the Manager of that Wells Fargo facility. And I am sure the procedures were made more secure for all locations.

It is sad that someone had to die to learn that lesson.

Where is Joe Biden?

Imagine yourself in a ship, cruising through the Atlantic, wondering why the ship is traveling in such an erratic behavior. You walk up to the helm, the wheelhouse, if you will, and no one is there.
You look around the ship, and you see a man who looks like the Captain but you can’t seem to get his attention. You then see the First Mate, running in an opposite direction, saying how she is going to fix everything when she takes over the ship. But you remember she went along with the Captain in every single decision he made.

You suddenly realize this was not the journey you signed on to when you booked the cruise. You begin to wonder if either of these people even know what they are doing. You pray that someone will emerge who has steered a ship before and will come to rescue you and your shipmates.

Now, fast forward to reality and look at the United States, leaderless because the President has checked out. And listen to the current Vice President say she will fix everything on Day One, when she stood by and supported the President in every decision he made, claiming she was in the room, helping to make those decisions.

Are you feeling confident the country will survive more of the same?

We have not seen Biden since the first night of the Convention, when immediately after his speech, he hopped onto Air Force One and went on vacation in California. We saw a distant glimpse of him the following week, vacationing in Delaware.

The pictures shown were from afar, with his head turned away from the camera. Was it really him? What are they covering up?

Is Biden dead?

I am growing impatient with the manipulation by the puppetmasters and the media to try and make us think all is well with our country. I am sure our adversaries are salivating over the rapid demise going on right now.

November 5 cannot come fast enough so we can finally put the man who was in charge four years ago, in charge again for the next four years. We need real leadership to navigate us through the treacherous waters that Biden-Harris put us in.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to SAVE America.

Kammy, the Kowering, Kackling, Kandidate of Kommunism

Tonight, we will allegedly see Kammy and Timmy talk to CNN's Dana Bash in what is supposed to be Kammy's first public dealings with any member of the Press since Obama, uh, I mean, Biden gifted her the nomination. And Timmy is there to be what? Her prop? Her knight in Shiny Armor? Her stooge to make sure she stays on script?

Does Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD) or David Zaslav think this mess will save CNN? BZZZZZ! I don't think so!!
I think I will, instead, be watching grass grow, paint dry, my dog chase her tail or watch dust blowing in the wind. Anything has to be more interesting than watching that pair. 

You know I may even watch The View. (Gotcha. Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.

Seriously, now. ANYTHING has to be better than The Kammy and Timmy Show.

Kammy will cackle when she gets flustered with the answer she is supposed to give. And Timmy, sitting there like the dunce he is, will take that as his cue to try and answer the question.

That will become old almost immediately. Since it will be at about 9 PM when the show starts, maybe I will go to Baskin and Robbins to see if I can take that hour to taste-sample all thirty-one flavors. Starting, of course, with the vanilla.

That just might save my night.

And when I get back home, I will wonder if Kammy, the Kowering Kackling Kandidate will still be the DemoNazis’ choice. (No, I Wont.) And if Tampon Timmy had the b@//$ to tell her to shut the feck up. (No, HE won't.)

Yes, the idea of watching the ladies of The View just might make for a more interesting night. 

(HAHAHA. Gotcha again!)

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

People Who Have No Character

How deep did the Harris Team vet Tim Walz before announcing his VP designation earlier this month? Did they know about his relationship with the CCP or was that missed?
The more we review and research this guy, the more he shows why he should NOT be a candidate for Vice President. In fact, he actually should not be in a position of trust ANYWHERE in the United States.

On first examination, it was discovered that “Tampon Timmy” was NOT a Command Sergeant Major. Yes, he took the class but then, resigned his position as a Master Sergeant BEFORE he completed the course. And he resigned (retired) when he found out his National Guard Regiment was going to be deployed to the Middle East. Hence, the charge of “Stolen Valor.”

Now, the House Oversight Committee is looking into the time he spent in the Peoples Republic of China and the relationships he forged. And with whom he forged them.

The inquiry follows reports detailing Walz’s history as a high school teacher who took students on trips funded by the Chinese government to promote cultural understanding. He went several times over the years and seemed to be under the radar.

Finally, Chairman Comer released some of what his committee has found. In part the report states, “In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, Chairman Comer is now requesting information, documents, and communications related to the CCP-connected entities and officials Governor Walz has engaged and partnered with.”

Perhaps this could have been done by Kammy’s Team after she was gifted the nomination when Biden stepped away. But, instead, the concern was making certain her pick was NOT Jewish and was NOT sympathetic to Israel.

I wonder if Dana Bash will ask either of them about that. Oh wait! That interview is already in the can!!

What will we find out next? As Martin Luther King said many times, “… judge not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Apparently, neither Timmy nor Kammy have any character at all.

The Weakest Candidate to EVER Face CNN

This is the candidate the Democrats think will take on Putin? Or the Ayatollah? Or that pipsqueak in North Korea? Please. Spare me.
She can’t even face a friendly CNN reporter like Dana Bash by herself, that she needs to bring her Vice President running mate to lean on? She needs to have a man by her side to protect her?

What a joke!

It was reported by the New York Post, Politico, Fox and elsewhere that the person who talked a big talk trying to trash Donald Trump is afraid to talk to another woman by herself, answering softball, puff questions. And then the man she brings is “TamponTim Walz to be the shoulder she leans on.

It is also reported by Dan Perino, former Bush-43 Press Secretary, that she has it on good authority that the interview is already in the can. Taped. Done.

Just wondering how many hours it took to do a forty-five minute interview? Five hours maybe?

Kammy is just so weak, so dumb, it probably took at least that long. And she thinks she can talk tough to China? Or Maduro? Maybe she will wave the “big stick” at Trudeau. But he would just stare at her with his vacant, cold eyes.

There is no doubt about it. If you vote for this waste of a candidate, you are just as dumb as she is.

But the smart, patriotic, America-loving rest of us will be voting for Donald Trump.

Any Retired Banker Can Forecast the Weather

Sunday, September 1, we begin Meteorological Fall which will always start on September 1st and end on the last day of November. The Astronomical Seasons will sometimes start on different days. The Astronomical Fall season will begin when the sun passes over the equator giving us equal days and nights. This is also called the Autumnal Equinox.
This is also the traditional halfway point for the Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season. We have had only five named storms in 2024, while in 2023, at this point, we had nine, and ending up with twenty.

When this season began, we were well into El Nino. That prompted the prognosticators to call for twenty-seven named storms for 2024. But now, a La Nina watch has begun.

By the end of November, we may be well into another La Nina, which will potentially modify downward the number of tropical storms for this season. That would be a relief to homeowners and insurance companies alike.

Across the Southeast, with La Nina, they usually will see drier and warmer temperatures. That will make for an interesting forecast for our winter season in Florida.

Understand that watching the weather is a hobby for me. I certainly do not claim to know what I am talking about. I, at least, admit it, unlike the weather people on TV.

I am right about thirty percent of the time, which is a better result than many of the professionals. And they get the big bucks.

So, where’s my paycheck?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Trump Cabinet Choices - Part Three

I have previously written on my choices for various Trump Cabinet Picks with My Second Trump Cabinet  - My First Picks, and My Trump Second Cabinet Picks - Part 2. I will be following this one with my remaining Cabinet choices and other key positions next week.
Meanwhile, these are my next positions:

Ken Paxton – Department of Justice: Presently, Mr Paxton is the Texas Attorney General. For him, this would be a seamless transition from his current position to Attorney General of the United States. He has experience in dealing with illegal immigration at the State level. Unlike the last several AG’s, he would bring a strong, no-nonsense commitment to enforce our country’s laws, following the written Constitution.

Tim Scott – Department of Housing and Urban Development: Senator Scott is presently serves on the Senate Committee of Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development and the Senate Committee on Finance, serving as the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth . He is also a long-time employee in the financial industry.

Ryan Zinke – Department of the Interior: Congressman Zinke previously served in this position in the first Trump Administration. He was instrumental in getting the Keystone Pipeline up and running, and opened some federal lands for oil, gas and mineral exploration and extraction.

Krysten Sinema - Department of Agriculture: Senator Sinema is presently serving on the Senate Committee on Appropriations as a Member of the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. She is a moderate/centrist Independent who left the Democrat Party because it was too left tor her to support.

Joe Manchin - Department of Labor: Senator Manchin is an Independent, center/right, former Democrat because he felt the Party had moved too far left to continue to support. He is Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and serves as a Member of the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies.

Ron DeSantis – Department of Transportation: Governor DeSantis is serving his final term as Florida’s Governor. While serving in the House during the 118th Congress, Gov. DeSantis was a Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability and served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, the Border and Foreign Affairs. As Governor, DeSantis halted cooperation with the Biden administration's program to relocate and resettle migrants in Florida in the wake of a surge in illegal immigration. DeSantis's administration also allocated $12 million for relocating migrants to other states.

These individuals are all known to Donald Trump, whether as people he endorsed, worked with or even in one case, a reluctant adversary.

 But they are all respected by him. He needs them to help Make America Great Again.

And so do we.

Will Fact-Checkers Be Discontinued, Too?

It was reported EVERYWHERE that Mark Zuckerberg admitted he was “forced” to censor posts by the Biden-Harris Administration related to Covid. He also admitted he realized now that censoring the New York Post's Hunter-Laptop expose’ as Russian disinformation was proven to be a mistake, since Hunter actually used his position as leverage to gain financially.
He promised he would be more discerning in the future.

Isn’t that nice? I wonder if this Mea Culpa comes with unblocking past posts like this one? Or this one? These didn’t violate any “Community Standards" At least, not in any community I live in or belong.

The first post was about my joy that after three years of dealing with cancer, it appears I might finally be in remission due to the latest oncological treatment that was used. Why would that violate anyone’s community?

And the second post? It was whether you voted on the issues the candidate expressed or how you view the candidate based on your own self-identity. Again, what community did that violate?

In the United States, we believe in the free expression of ideas even when we don’t agree with them. This isn’t Maduro’s Venezuela or the Ayatollah’s Iran where the government can just shut down the internet to discourage free speech.

People can agree to disagree and still be able to maintain intelligent, thoughtful, respectful conversation. Isn’t that the purpose of social media? The sharing of ideas, even the one you may not agree with?

And having faceless monitors (fact-checkers) watching every word and banning people’s opinions is a step back to Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany with propaganda ministers in charge.

An Unsurprising Endorsement

Is anyone surprised? Tulsi Gabbard endorsing Donald Trump? Not me. She announced it last night at the National Guard Conference in Detroit. In Michigan A swing state. It is a foregone conclusion that she has endorsed him.
In all her posts, she spoke about how much she agrees with him on so many issues. She understands his message, his loyalty, his patriotism. She doesn’t agree with everything he stands for. But then, neither does Bobby Kennedy. Or Elon Musk.

She even spoke highly of him last month at the Republican Nation Convention.

It is on her key issues she believes as Trump believes. So much so, she is helping him do debate prep. She, more than anyone else, gets Kammy. And knows how she can be beaten.

When Trump wins, she will be part of his Cabinet. In my Commentary, Second Trump Cabinet – My First Picks, I felt she would be a great choice as Secretary of Homeland Security. I still do.

I LOVE TULSI and everything she stands for.