Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Tragedy That Was George Santos

It was reported by the Associated Press and other sources that George Santos, disgraced former Congressman from Long Island, pleaded guilty to two federal charges in Central Islip Federal Court, wire fraud and identity theft.
If you recall, he was expelled from the Congress last December 1 after a vote of 311 to 114 made clear that his support among many of his Republican colleagues had eroded. The disgraced Santos vowed to run again, but this plea deal ended that hope.

He will be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars and will probably spend six years in jail. Sentencing is scheduled for February, 2025.

“I betrayed the trust of my constituents and supporters. I deeply regret my conduct,” the New York Republican said, his voice trembling as he entered the plea in a Long Island courtroom.

Well, that’s nice of him to take responsibility for his actions. Maybe the people who voted for him and whom he deceived will throw a party for him with cake and ice cream. How grand!

Seriously, this should be a lesson for all people considering a run to serve in the Congress, whether now, as an incumbent or in the future. It is a position of trust, of course. And if you violate that trust you should be appropriately punished.

Maybe, the Ethics Committees in both the House and the Senate need to look at all their Members to make certain everyone else's hand’s are clean. It would be a travesty if this happened again.

Let’s make sure it doesn’t.

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