Friday, August 9, 2024

The Deep State vs Tulsi Gabbard

The American Center for Law and Justice ( has revealed that former Democrat, now Independent, Tulsi Gabbard and her husband are now on the Biden/Harris Administration Quiet Skies watch list, which was set up under the Obama/Biden Administration in 2012.
As many of you know, Tulsi is a former Hawaii Representative, current Lietenant Colonel in the Hawaii National Guard and one-time Presidential candidate in the 2020 Democrat primary, who made mincemeat of Kammy Harris, the current Democrat designee for President.

And she was placed on the list as early as July 25 once Kammy got the Obama endorsement. Pretty suspicious, wouldn’t you say?

Tulsi, who is a Trump supporter, realized this classification on her boarding ticket for the first time when she was boarding a plane on that same day. She was subject to additional TSA security screening procedures, additional personal monitoring and noticed three air marshals sitting in close proximity to her. On her return flight she was subject to the same obtrusive tactics.

You must know that Biden, who doesn’t even remember why baseball players are visiting the White House, would not think to authorize this gestapo-like behavior. But Kammy would, given her intense hatred for Tulsi and the opportunity to exact revenge for calling her out four years ago.

This is what today’s Democrat Party has become. They don’t even hide it anymore for their hate of American principles and conservative values. Their Presidential ticket consists of two socialists running as Democrats.

They aren’t Democrats in the mold of JFK, FDR and Truman. This is now the DemoNazi Party.
And the leaders don’t even try to hide it anymore.

This is what will happen to all of us if the DemoNazis win. Tulsi was only the first, not the exception or a mistake. The Deep State is real and it will try anything once to see if it can get away with us accepting more erosion of our rights.
If we don’t protest now and Harris/Walz wins, the United States as we know it will be no more.

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