Thursday, August 1, 2024

Marching In Goosestep to the Elites

Today begins the most undemocratic election I have ever seen in the United States where one party has decided by fiat that the members of that party get to choose a nominee for President from a slate of ONE. The bosses have decreed that the delegates, who voted for one person, that the bosses forced out, MUST now choose another. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Yes, the Party of JFK, Truman, Roosevelt and Wilson, which is now run by Obama, Soros, Schumer, Pelosi and the Clintons, otherwise known as The Elites, have now pointed to their new puppet for you to choose.

And the ACLU whose sole purpose is to protect your rights under the Bill of Rights, along the with the American Lame Stream Media who look and act more like Pravda, (the Russian word for Truth) the major news entity in Moscow, are silent as the DNC (Dictator’s Narcissistic Comissars) sells out to the bosses and goes along with this coup. And remain silent.

So, for the next seven days, the BIDEN-chosen delegates get to vote ONLY for Kamala Harris, who is the most unqualified Vice President our country ever had. Even Gerald Ford, who was appointed and agreed upon by the Democrat-controlled Congress during the Watergate fiasco, was better suited than Harris.

In 1981, Ed Koch won re-election for a second term for New York City Mayor with almost 75% of the popular vote. He had won both the Democrat and Republican primaries earlier in the fall. His next closest opponent won only 13% of the vote, while the remaining five candidates split the rest. And as popular as he was for rescuing the City from the disaster he had inherited, he knew that he needed to have the people decide. And this was, and still is, a Democrat Party-heavy City.

Yet, here we are. The people will not be given an opportunity to decide between the Democrat-Socialist (DemoNazi) Harris, and ANY OTHER more mainstream Democrat, who may even be more qualified than she is. The obedient masses have been told to shut up and take it.

Apparently, the Democrat Party convention, which will be held in Chicago beginning on August 19, will be a public loyalty test for the delegates to bow to The Elites. Anything resembling our Constitution will be purely coincidental.

One more thing: President Reagan was quoted to have said, “If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism." And sadly, he was right. The formerly liberal Democrat Party is now infected by fascists and it may be too late to go back.

Democrats have said electing Donald Trump again would condone his destruction of democracy. Don’t look now, but the DemoNazis have already destroyed it.

And the sheep will march in goosestep.

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