Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Power of Reading

I was planning to write a commentary about the waste of time the interview was
, where Kammy offers forty-five minutes worth of word salad, and Timmy was blaming grammar for mis-defining his rank in the military. But it is Labor Day weekend and my brain needed to recuperate from eight weeks of comedic, lying politics.

Instead, I would like to go back a bit further in time, actually 120 MILLION years to be exact. To a time where politicians did not exist, and the earth was lush and fertile, while reptiles ruled the planet.

It was recently reported that dinosaur footprints were discovered in Eastern Brazil and the African country of Cameroon. Now, while that in itself is a nice find, but not unexpected, what makes it newsworthy of sorts is that they were made by the same breed of dinosaur. Maybe even the SAME dinosaurs.

The footprints, two hundred sixty of them, measured the same shape and size, one that would be classified as dinosaurs known as ornithischians or long-necked sauropods Study co-author and Southern Methodist University research associate, Diana P. Vineyard, said most of the footprints were created by three-toed theropods, or dinosaurs that resemble the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Why else is this important? Well, it supports a belief that at one time, South America and Africa were part of a much larger continent called Gondwana. This dinosaursuperhighway” measured about six hundred miles, or the distance between Williamsburg and Jacksonville.

Now, of course, that distance would be over three-thousand miles, with the South Atlantic Ocean in the middle of those locations. But that corridor was covered in sediment, allowing for the dinosaurs’ footprints to be preserved for millions of years. Until recently.

It is always wondrous that we are constantly learning something new about a place we call “home”. And in spite of our own hubris, the earth reveals its secrets when we least expect it.

One time long ago, as a banker, I was asked why I know so much trivia. My response, while she took offense to what she thought was condescending, really was not. It was, instead, very simple. All I said was, “I constantly read.”

And that, my friends, keeps my mind alert to everything anyone says. Even political Bull$#!+.

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