Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How Many Ways to Steal the 2024 Election

How many different ways will the New York Democrats try to interfere with the 2024 election? Democrat activist Judge Christina Syba ruled that former Democrat and now Independent Presidential Candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr may not appear on New York's ballot because he is,n’t, in her opinion, a legal resident in New York State.
Oh yes, the most corrupt State with the most corrupt judges in the country. I am so glad I moved away to the Free State of Florida.

It was reported by the Associated Press and other sources that the Scion and namesake of the assassinated Senator will not be permitted to have his name appear in November’s election.

Why? Well, the crooked DemoNazis are afraid that this respected longtime Democrat will siphon votes from the designated party candidate and will give the win to Donald Trump.

There is always a simple answer to this issue. Have him produce his Voter ID Card and Drivers license to prove his residency. Oops! Silly me!! No Voter ID in the Corrupt State of New York. SHE would be violating his rights and would be breaking that insane and inane law if she did.

So, they failed on every other scheme to force Trump out and he has won every legal battle. Now, they are desperately trying to vilify a Kennedy to attempt a Harris victory.

So glad I am NOT a Democrat. This is actually embarrassing.

And if that isn’t enough, it was reported today in the New York Post and elsewhere that the Harris campaign was editing news headlines online via the use of AI to convince voters that the particular media source approved and endorsed Kammy girl, when that was not the case. Talk about stealing an election! Even Axios, not a fan of Trump, is reporting this illegal and corrupt activity.

Maybe this is why for the last twenty-four days Kammy won’t dare face the media. She knows they are onto her. And she would have to answer dishonestly to any questions she was asked.

It is bad enough to dis and ignore the media, but she would be found out to be a liar and a fraud if she were caught at it. She certainly doesn’t have the likeability of Bill Clinton or Barry O to pull it off.

So there you have it. How much more crap will the DemoNazis, sorry, the DEMOCRATS, try in their attempt to not see Donald Trump be re-elected?

Tune in tomorrow for another episode of “How To Steal the 2024 Election.”

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