Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Benefits of Making and Breaking the Rules

The rules are made for thee but not for me.” It doesn’t matter where you live in the United States. When you elect someone to represent your interests, whether they are a Democrat or Republican, serving in the Congress or state legislature or city council, as soon as they are sworn into office, they are, to a man or woman, representing only themselves.
I don’t say this lightly, because there is proof all around us. Every day.

The latest evidence of this happenstance is occuring in that once beautiful city, known as the Big Apple, by a Democrat member of the New York City Council. And ironically, she was elected on her promise to enforce the very rule to which she thumbs her nose.

Queens Councilwoman Democratic Socialist Tiffany Cabán was slapped with seven traffic tickets totaling $490 in fines and late fees since November 2022. And has not paid a single one. Had you or I had done this, here is what would happen;

• DMV would send a warning letter, threatening to suspend your licence or registration
• After the specified time, your license and/or registration would be suspended/revoked
• An arrest warrant would be issued
• A police or other law enforcement officer would appear at your door to arrest you
• If you were stopped, you would be arrested for driving without a license
• Your car would be towed and impounded
• You would be hauled before a judge to be arraigned and tried
• Additional fines would be assessed during that time

But since Councilwoman Cabán is a Democrat Socialist, and a minority, she can continue to flaunt the rules with impudence, knowing she is above the very same law you and I must obey. And, after all, if she were placed under arrest, she would claim she was racially profiled.

She and this circumstance, of course, is just the latest where he who makes the rules need not be required to follow them.

For example, many members of the Congress have violated the very insider trading laws of which Martha Stewart was accused and spent time in prison for violating. But the many congressional people and staff, including former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Tommy Tuberville have faced no consequence.

But getting back to the Councilwoman. When will she FINALLY be held accountable as much as any other city or state resident? Or is being a scofflaw permitted, and a perk, if you are an elected official?

Gotta get me THAT JOB!

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