Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Identity or Issues - Which Voter Are You?

Today, I listened to Dick Morris discuss the two main groups of voters who actually vote in our elections. There are voters who vote on the candidate with whom they identify and voters who vote for the candidate who discusses the important issues of the day.

Let me explain.

If you vote for someone who looks like you, like race, or sympathizes with your gender identity, like LBGTQ, or points out your heritage, say Latino or Asian, chances are you will vote for a Democrat. This year, your identity politics would say you are voting for Kamala Harris. Why? Because that is what she talks about. She certainly can’t discuss the failed Biden/Harris record.

And if you vote for someone who agrees with your positions on the economy, like inflation costs, or energy costs, like the price of gasoline, or peace in the Middle East, like ending the current hostilities, you will vote for a Republican. This year, that would be Donald Trump. Why? Because that is his focus. And he CAN discuss his successful record on all these issues.

Years ago, George Carlin did a routine which pointed out our differences. Like race, religion, sexuality and other markers which made us different and how it divides us. The Democrats do this routine fairly well, and this year, Kammie has been assigned that task.

Hence, Identity Politics.

Donald Trump, instead, talks about the issues we face, how we got here and how he plans to solve it. He asks us to stand up and face the challenges head-on, knowing we all will have to swallow hard.

Thus, Issue Politics.

Facing the issues has always been harder to do. We have elected better Presidents who have showed us the issues and how to solve them.

FDR, John F Kennedy and Ronald Reagan come immediately to mind. Each man has asked us to do more, and while people were reluctant, time proved this was the right path to follow. 

The others, like Carter, Clinton, Obama and a few others would try to assign blame to other groups who were not in the audience at the time they spoke to a specific group. And if you recall, just four years ago Biden said to Charlemagne Tha God, “If you don’t vote Democrat, you ain’t black.”

Trump is hard-nosed and speaks like a Queens boy would. Bluntly and directly. His message is like that of FDR, JFK and Reagan, though his bluntness sometimes gets in his way. You need to get past that.

This year, you should be more concerned about issues which affects you and others than your identity which is self-specific.

I am an Issues Voter and I am voting for Donald Trump.

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