Monday, August 12, 2024

When Asking For ID's Isn't Racist

So. Once again, the Democrats and Kamala Harris have displayed their hypocrisy. If you wanted to attend her rally in Arizona over the weekend, you had to provide an ID.

But if you plan to vote for her in November, no ID is required. I thought asking for ID's was a racist act. Except, of course if the act is Democrat-approved. That must be it.

I was surprised that the Unrev Sharpy Sharpton did not rant on his NAAN platform against Harris and her campaign for insisting on ID's. But then, that’s when it came to me that Harris is a Democrat

And like other standards in this country, like justice, there are two
 tiers – one for me and one for thee.

Imagine what would be the outcry had the Trump campaign, or for that matter, a Rick Scott campaign, had ID’s been requested or required. "Oh, look,” the media would scream. “Those nasty Republicans are wielding their racist dictates again."

Of course, it was reported by Fox News and a few others. But CNN and MSLSD remained obediently silent. As instructed.

Yes, nary a sound from the mouthpiece of the DNC or ANYONE from the Democrat Party. And why not? Because Kamala is their girl, that’s why.

I guess isn’t racist if their side does it. Okay, got it.

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