Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Evident DemoNazi Hypocrisy

It is appears that Chris Cuomo may have had an epiphany. The once Consigliere of the disgraced former Governor of New York, his brother, Andrew Cuomo, is calling out the Democrats at their own Convention, by pointing out the hypocrisy all around the place.
“A big theme here at the DNC is that they are going to go after corporate gouging and they’re going to go after corporations, whether it’s in taxes, largesse, loopholes,” Cuomo said from the convention floor at the United Center during NewsNation’s coverage Wednesday night.

Cuomo then pointed to the suites at the arena hosting the convention as the camera panned above.

He made sure his audience knew how much the Dems were charging those in attendance to sit in the sky boxes overlooking the proceedings. He pointed out that corporations and larger media entities, unlike NewsNation, were going to pay to play.

The cost was anywhere from $500K to $5MM to get an optimal view of the stage. The more paid, the better….

You know the rest. Money talks, while Bullshxt walks.

“The same thing is true with the Republican side,” Cuomo said before asking sarcastically: “And they’re going to take them down?”

Of course, Cuomo implied, both parties are guilty of the same sins regarding money and access. But the Democrats, especially the current crop, try to project themselves as puritans with clean hands, while accusing the Republicans as sinners who cannot be absolved. From the same sins the Democrats claim they don’t commit.

As quoted in John 8:7-11 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV), “And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, ‘Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone.’”

The Democrats need to look at the proverbial mirror before they utter another word.

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