Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Second Trump Cabinet - My First Picks

Last week, I was talking to some friends about the upcoming election and who President Trump should choose for his Cabinet. I have essentially picked all of them, but for today, I will share these six.

Keep in mind that I have tried to put the person with the position I think he or she is the most qualified for and not necessarily the most politically expedient. In the coming weeks I will share others.

Ben Carson – Health and Human Services: Dr Carson was previously Secretary of HUD and I felt he did a decent job. But this department is where I think he would excel. He is a surgeon who understands what really matters to his patients. And I believe he would fix and streamline Medicare and Medicaid.

Rick Perry - Department of Energy: Secretary Perry held this position previously under President Trump. If you recall, for the four years the Secretary held this position, oil and gasoline were plentiful and cheap. We actually were the largest supplier of oil worldwide during those four years. Why argue with success?

Rick Grenell – UN Ambassador: Director Grenell, in the Trump Administration, was previously Ambassador to Germany, and then, Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence. So, he knows a thing or two how to get along with allies and adversaries alike. And the UN would be his baliwick for the US to regain its lost luster from four years of indecision and weakness.

Vivek Ramaswamy - Department of Commerce: Here is an idea – putting someone in the position he knows something about – Business. He founded several businesses across non-vertical lines during his career, a pharmaceutical company and a hedge fund. Oh yeah, and a tech company, too. So maybe, he understands what is involved in creating startups and running them profitably.

Lee Zeldin – Department of Veterans Affairs: Former Congressman Zeldin served in Iraq and is presently a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves, so he knows something about serving our country and helping our veterans. As a Congressman, he put forward several bills aimed at helping veterans returning from combat as he did. He is also an attorney and defended Donald Trump during the Ukraine impeachment.

Tulsi Gabbard – Department of Homeland Security: Former Congresswoman Gabbard is also an Iraq War veteran and is presently a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves. She is a fervent spokesperson, calling for the securing of our border and suspending the granting of visas indiscriminately. On this issue and several others, Tulsi, a former Democrat, has aligned herself to many of President Trump’s positions.

As I said, these people are highly qualified for the positions I would hope to see them in a second Trump Admistration. Over the next several weeks, I will share my other picks and the whys for the remaining Trump Cabinet Secretaries.

Meanwhile, what say you?

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