Monday, August 19, 2024

Day Twenty-Nine of the Kammy Watch

Today is a big day for the DNC
as it looks to showcase its nominees, its party elegiencia, its intelligencia, its queenmakers, and deliver its platform to win the 2024 election. It is supposed to be a joyous, celebratory event.

But their nominee has taken a position which sheds negativity on the whole affair. Kammy, either in a display of arrogance or stupidity, still has not met with the press to answer questions in twenty-nine days. She has said she may eventually get around to it by the end of the month.

As reported by the New York Post and other sources, some of her previously friendly media outlets are beginning to show cracks in the solid wall which had protected her. CNN host Michael Smerconish threw cold water on Democrats’ enthusiasm for their “nearly invisible” nominee. He would not have done this without approval from the higher-ups at Warner Bros Discovery unless he was looking to be fired.

And as I wrote earlier this month in a commentary entitled Copying Old Joe’s Playbook, she doesn’t have the likeability chops that Barry O or Slick Willie enjoy. In fact, she is downright mean and nasty. And the entire Lame Stream Media knows it.

Once the convention is done, the walls which previously protected her will continue to crack with fissures all over which she may not be able to repair. Then, the media will be forced to report her every misstep like real journalists, like Cronkite, Brinkley and Jennings.

Up until now, the media was acting like part of the entertainment divisions of their networks or like Page Six of the printed dailies.

But Americans are tiring of this façade where newsmakers are treated like celebrities and movie stars. Even Obama and Clinton are beginning to realize their act as reality show stars are not winning America’s hearts and minds.

And soon enough the media’s approach of “that’s my story and I’m sticking to it” will return to “that’s the way it is.”

But Kammy thinks she knows better than the people who can control her messaging. Her arrogance and stupidity just might be the death of her campaign before it really gets started.

Americans can only hope.

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