Monday, August 12, 2024

Looks Like I Am Winning

Today, I got some good news regarding my ongoing cancer prognosis.
This summer, I began an immunotherapy treatment which was six weeks long, and where I was being administerd BCG. While not getting too much into the weeds, I will tell you as a man it certainly an uncomfortable procedure.

For six consecutive Wednedays, I had to go to the doctor’s office in Orlando to receive the treatment. And invariably, the ride home was during rush hour. The normally thirty minute ride took over two hours. Discomfort was my partner in the car.

But I dealt with it like a trooper. Because I have learned during both my times dealing with cancer in 2011 and now, that I don’t have time for pity parties. And after a while, no one wants to be there with you, either.

I still have a long way to go until the doctor can confidently say that I am in remission. I have to get a CT Scan and possibly a PT Scan to be certain today’s test was correct. But, we are getting closer.

In October, we are planning another round of immunotherapy, and by Thanksgiving, God willing, we will have an even better report.

 I had read early on that bladder cancer can be a difficult one to overcome quickly. I can assure you that the person who wrote that article was absolutely right. But he also said, with the right treatment, it can be beaten.

So, for now, I will continue to do battle and fight this scourge. That is my mission and I will be there for anyone who needs to be reassured that they, too, can beat it.

And I will also remember that mantra that I live by: Stay positive so I can stay negative.

1 comment:

  1. Stay positive Frank! And screw FB for removing this piece. They are ridiculous... :-(
