Friday, August 16, 2024

The Media Spins, Lies and Betrays Our Trust

, the Bidens are fair game to feast on by the Lame Stream Media. It appears that since Papa Joe isn’t running for President anymore, the New York Times, WaPo, MSLSD and all the formerly “loyal” hypocrites have finally found their journalism ethics and standards.
It has been reported by CNN and other sources, without actually saying it directly, that convicted felon Hunter Biden used his father's name and position as Vice President under Barry O to try and influence the Obama State Department and the US Embassy in Italy to arrange a sweetheart deal between Burisma and Italy in 2016. If you recall, Hunter was a Burisma board member. Burisma was a Ukranian oil company.

The outreach, a businessman involved in the project told the Times, came when the company was having difficulty securing regulatory approval for a geothermal project in Tuscany.

There have been rumblings about this and other deals Hunter did throughout the world, where he name-dropped his father’s name on the negotiations as he was the point man. And of course, the media acting as the Bidens’ press agent kept denying it, dutifully, claiming it was all Russian disinformation

Now, the gloves are off and journalism in the LSM has found its conscience. But those of us who saw the truth have our doubts about anything the media reports. They have betrayed our trust, something Cronkite, Brinkley and Jennings never did.

Freedom of the Press does not mean you have permission to fabricate a story to satisfy your agenda or a license to lie and prevaricate.

How can we believe ANYTHING the media reports on again with any Democrat Darling that they hitch its ride to next? Whatever they say about Harris is also a spin… and a lie. They have destroyed any remaining trust we ever had. 

Good job, you media liars.

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