Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Could a Kennedy/Shanahan Endorsement be Coming?

Robert F Kennedy Jr has been a life-long Democrat, an Evironmental attorney, and some criticize, an anti-vaccine proponent. He had wanted to challenge Joe Biden for the Democrat nomination, but the DNC and leading Democrats blocked him at every turn.
He decided, then, to run as an Independent, criticizing Biden on a host of issues including the economy, his Middle East and Ukraine policies, and other important issues. He requested the Biden Administration for Secret Service protection on several occasions and was denied each time.

Donald Trump made requests on his own and Kennedy’s behalf several times, and was rebuffed. It was only after Trump’s own attempted assassination was Kennedy accorded the appropriate protection as a Presidential candidate and Trump was upgraded, as Biden and/or his stooges were shamed into doing what should have been done originally.

Since then, Trump and Kennedy have been cordially speaking about common interests. After Kennedy was rudely turned away by the Harris campaign, it was revealed by the New York Post and other sources via his Vice Presidential running mate, Nicole Shanahan, that Kennedy is considering endorsing Trump in exchange for a potential position in a second Trump Administration.

And Ms Shanahan would as well. “We walk away right now and join forces with Donald Trump … and we explain to our base why we’re making this decision,” Shanahan said.

In 2018, Shanahan helped fund and launch the Center for Female Reproductive Longevity and Equality within the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. And in 2019, she established her private foundation, Bia-Echo. Like RFK, Shanahan has questioned the scientific consensus on vaccine safety and efficacy.

Even NPR is reporting on Ms Shanahan’s potential endorsement of Donald Trump. This could be a huge boost for President Trump should it come to pass.

A few weeks ago, I discussed several potential Trump choices in a second Trump Cabinet. If you recall, I suggested that Robert Kennedy would be a great choice to be EPA Administrator. I am sure President Trump would find a place in HHS for Ms Shanahan under a Secretary Dr Carson if they ended up endorsing him. He is big on loyalty, and he rewards those who help him, as you know.

With a Kennedy/Shanahan endorsement and Ms Shanahan’s financial capabilities, all the hoopla surrounding the Harris/Walz ticket just might be nothing but hot air. The balloon or bubble would just go POOF!

The next few days and weeks could be interesting and exciting for American political junkies, like me, for sure.

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