Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Weakest Candidate to EVER Face CNN

This is the candidate the Democrats think will take on Putin? Or the Ayatollah? Or that pipsqueak in North Korea? Please. Spare me.
She can’t even face a friendly CNN reporter like Dana Bash by herself, that she needs to bring her Vice President running mate to lean on? She needs to have a man by her side to protect her?

What a joke!

It was reported by the New York Post, Politico, Fox and elsewhere that the person who talked a big talk trying to trash Donald Trump is afraid to talk to another woman by herself, answering softball, puff questions. And then the man she brings is “TamponTim Walz to be the shoulder she leans on.

It is also reported by Dan Perino, former Bush-43 Press Secretary, that she has it on good authority that the interview is already in the can. Taped. Done.

Just wondering how many hours it took to do a forty-five minute interview? Five hours maybe?

Kammy is just so weak, so dumb, it probably took at least that long. And she thinks she can talk tough to China? Or Maduro? Maybe she will wave the “big stick” at Trudeau. But he would just stare at her with his vacant, cold eyes.

There is no doubt about it. If you vote for this waste of a candidate, you are just as dumb as she is.

But the smart, patriotic, America-loving rest of us will be voting for Donald Trump.

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