Thursday, August 29, 2024

Kammy, the Kowering, Kackling, Kandidate of Kommunism

Tonight, we will allegedly see Kammy and Timmy talk to CNN's Dana Bash in what is supposed to be Kammy's first public dealings with any member of the Press since Obama, uh, I mean, Biden gifted her the nomination. And Timmy is there to be what? Her prop? Her knight in Shiny Armor? Her stooge to make sure she stays on script?

Does Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD) or David Zaslav think this mess will save CNN? BZZZZZ! I don't think so!!
I think I will, instead, be watching grass grow, paint dry, my dog chase her tail or watch dust blowing in the wind. Anything has to be more interesting than watching that pair. 

You know I may even watch The View. (Gotcha. Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.

Seriously, now. ANYTHING has to be better than The Kammy and Timmy Show.

Kammy will cackle when she gets flustered with the answer she is supposed to give. And Timmy, sitting there like the dunce he is, will take that as his cue to try and answer the question.

That will become old almost immediately. Since it will be at about 9 PM when the show starts, maybe I will go to Baskin and Robbins to see if I can take that hour to taste-sample all thirty-one flavors. Starting, of course, with the vanilla.

That just might save my night.

And when I get back home, I will wonder if Kammy, the Kowering Kackling Kandidate will still be the DemoNazis’ choice. (No, I Wont.) And if Tampon Timmy had the b@//$ to tell her to shut the feck up. (No, HE won't.)

Yes, the idea of watching the ladies of The View just might make for a more interesting night. 

(HAHAHA. Gotcha again!)

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