Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Final Stab In the Back of Joe Biden

Amazingly, the Democrat-centric hosts of CNN are ridiculing the DNC and the Harris campaign for trying to spin that it was “raucous applause” which delayed the appearance of Joe Biden on Monday night.

The commentators, Anderson Cooper and Audie Cornish, laughed at that suggestion and made comments about the attempt to justify the delay by the DNC. “By the way, I see a report that Convention officials are saying that the reason it went long is because of all the ‘raucous applause,’” said Cooper, who laughed along with the other commentators.

Cooper then added, “Uh, that’s the sort of thing, you build into this. We have had conventions before. You sort of know.”

The other CNN panelist, Cornish, agreed, “That’s amazing spin.” The comments by Cooper and Cornish were reported by the news site, Mediaite.

Biden was scheduled to begin speaking at 10:45 PM EDT and didn’t walk onto the stage until nearly 11:30, when the majority of the viewership had shut off the Convention. AOC and Hillary were featured earlier and it was suggested that they purposefully went long by design to create this scenario, so that many Americans would not hear Biden fumble through yet another embarrassing speech.

A Biden aide moaned to Axios: “This is awful. He literally set up a campaign and handed it over to them. Do they have to cut him out of prime time?”

To anyone with any common sense, including Cooper and Cornish, would have to agree this was a deliberate slight to Biden.

In exchange for withdrawing from the race, he probably demanded to have his one day (or night) to bask in glory one last time on the national political stage. So they agreed and then engineered this big "SCREW YOU" moment to disrespect him one last time.

And then, on Tuesday, the message was clear even to a man who is suffering from dementia. Michelle Obama spoke, certainly sending the message home to everyone, that the last EIGHT YEARS were meaningless to her.

Biden HAD to get the message.

Instead, she harkened back to, in her opinion, what were the glory years of Obama and tried to say that Harris and Walz would return America to that time. AGAIN.

I got that message. She was looking forward to the destruction of America as we know it. She was very, very clear. ET TU, BIDEN.

I hope you got that message, too.

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