Thursday, August 29, 2024

Where is Joe Biden?

Imagine yourself in a ship, cruising through the Atlantic, wondering why the ship is traveling in such an erratic behavior. You walk up to the helm, the wheelhouse, if you will, and no one is there.
You look around the ship, and you see a man who looks like the Captain but you can’t seem to get his attention. You then see the First Mate, running in an opposite direction, saying how she is going to fix everything when she takes over the ship. But you remember she went along with the Captain in every single decision he made.

You suddenly realize this was not the journey you signed on to when you booked the cruise. You begin to wonder if either of these people even know what they are doing. You pray that someone will emerge who has steered a ship before and will come to rescue you and your shipmates.

Now, fast forward to reality and look at the United States, leaderless because the President has checked out. And listen to the current Vice President say she will fix everything on Day One, when she stood by and supported the President in every decision he made, claiming she was in the room, helping to make those decisions.

Are you feeling confident the country will survive more of the same?

We have not seen Biden since the first night of the Convention, when immediately after his speech, he hopped onto Air Force One and went on vacation in California. We saw a distant glimpse of him the following week, vacationing in Delaware.

The pictures shown were from afar, with his head turned away from the camera. Was it really him? What are they covering up?

Is Biden dead?

I am growing impatient with the manipulation by the puppetmasters and the media to try and make us think all is well with our country. I am sure our adversaries are salivating over the rapid demise going on right now.

November 5 cannot come fast enough so we can finally put the man who was in charge four years ago, in charge again for the next four years. We need real leadership to navigate us through the treacherous waters that Biden-Harris put us in.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to SAVE America.

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