Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Will Fact-Checkers Be Discontinued, Too?

It was reported EVERYWHERE that Mark Zuckerberg admitted he was “forced” to censor posts by the Biden-Harris Administration related to Covid. He also admitted he realized now that censoring the New York Post's Hunter-Laptop expose’ as Russian disinformation was proven to be a mistake, since Hunter actually used his position as leverage to gain financially.
He promised he would be more discerning in the future.

Isn’t that nice? I wonder if this Mea Culpa comes with unblocking past posts like this one? Or this one? These didn’t violate any “Community Standards" At least, not in any community I live in or belong.

The first post was about my joy that after three years of dealing with cancer, it appears I might finally be in remission due to the latest oncological treatment that was used. Why would that violate anyone’s community?

And the second post? It was whether you voted on the issues the candidate expressed or how you view the candidate based on your own self-identity. Again, what community did that violate?

In the United States, we believe in the free expression of ideas even when we don’t agree with them. This isn’t Maduro’s Venezuela or the Ayatollah’s Iran where the government can just shut down the internet to discourage free speech.

People can agree to disagree and still be able to maintain intelligent, thoughtful, respectful conversation. Isn’t that the purpose of social media? The sharing of ideas, even the one you may not agree with?

And having faceless monitors (fact-checkers) watching every word and banning people’s opinions is a step back to Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany with propaganda ministers in charge.

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