Sunday, August 25, 2024

Robert Kennedy's Really Great Day

Friday was a great day for Robert Kennedy Jr
. First, he suspended his campaign, and then, hours later is was welcomed by Donald Trump at his rally to a huge love-fest by the crowd for having endorsed Trump and offering his full support to get the forner President re-elected.

By itself, most politicians would be content and know it was a good feeling inside.

But the best news Bobby received on Friday was that based on the Supreme Court ruling in Murthy v. Biden, US District Court Judge Terry Doughty ruled that he had standing to sue the Biden-Harris Administration for censorship and denying/blocking his posts on social media during Covid.

Kennedy and Children's Health Defense, an organization he leads, have Article III standing to sue. Since the Supremes lifted Doughty’s injunction with its ruling, Doughty gave Kennedy et al the green light to move forward at the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

The Court finds that Kennedy is likely to succeed on his claim that suppression of content posted was caused by actions of Government Defendants, and there is a substantial risk that he will suffer similar injury in the near future," wrote Doughty.

Finally, the Biden-Harris Administration may be held accountable for violating Kennedy’s First Amendment rights and will pay dearly for its hubris. This case may pave the way to remind the Government, and social media, that it cannot trample on the Constitution to force its will on the people as it sees fit.

Good for Mr Kennedy, for his Organization and for all Americans. And good for his great news.

He had a really great day.

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