Monday, August 19, 2024

Swallow Hard and Forego Impeachment

The House Judiciary, Ways and Means, and Oversight Committees have researched President Biden’s past, as Vice President and even as a Senator. They have accumulated reams of paper and troves of information that they believe reveals criminal activity and profiteering from his time as a government official.
As the DNC prepares to commence its Convention today, with President Biden expected to address the delegates, the Committees are now exploring for their consideration a recommendation for Impeachment by the full House on the charges of “Abuse of Power” and “Obstruction of Justice or of Congress” by corruptly abetting and concealing a $27 million “influence-peddling racket”. The 291 page report concludes these charges warrant proceedings that could result in his removal from office.

Joe Biden has exhibited conduct and taken actions that the Founders sought to guard against in drafting the impeachment provisions in the Constitution: abuse of power, foreign entanglements, corruption, and obstruction of investigations into these matters,” the report says.

This is all well and good, but, ultimately, will result in nothing but a black eye on Biden’s legacy and potentially, the loss of the House by the Republicans and gains for the Democrats in the Senate. Also, this may result in Kammy benefitting by actually winning the Presidency. And why? Because the electorate will punish the Republicans for trying to intimidate them by using the worst political dirty trick to swing the election in their favor.

If you recall, it didn’t work out too well for the Republicans when they impeached President Clinton and tried to remove him. The electorate punished the Republicans when they lost seats in the House and lost control of the Senate. History is replete with many examples and has a habit of repeating negative outcomes due to negative acts in politics.

Keep in mind, that the Democrats presently control the Senate where an Impeachment Trial is heard and removable of a potentially impeached Biden would be voted on.

First of all, the Democrat leadership would never let it happen. And if it did, and by some fluke, Biden WAS removed, President Harris would EASILY win election.

And be eligible to serve two terms.

That would not be a good outcome for Americans. Anyone who soberly looks at the overall consequence of impeaching Joe Biden has to recognize this political gimmick would be foolhardy at best, and civic suicide at worst. And most people do not wish the last four years of failure to continue.

There is an old eleven word proverb which has been used in literature, cinema and other cultural sources. And it is truly prophetic every time:

Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it.

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