Monday, August 5, 2024

The Doomsday Clock is Winding Down

Iran is setting its sites on attacking Israel through its terror network of Hamas, Hezzbollah and Houthi entities. Iran has admitted in the past that they are allied with these terrorist groups and has made considerable investments in arming them.
Jordan and Egypt have separately tried to reason with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is as unreasonable as they come. This allegedly religious man told Arab leaders Saturday that he doesn’t care if the attacks cause a wider-spread war.

The Iranian people are tired of this saber-rattling that the clergy has been doing since 1979. I know because I have people who worked for me, were able to leave Iran after the Shah fell, and told me what their families were dealing with. In 1979, it was a small minority who supported the return of the Ayatollah from exile to create the theocracy which exists today. Over time, fewer people now support the regime.

In fact, the Ayatollah and his mullahs are so brave, that they are willing to fight a proxy war using their allied fanatics. And they have the funds to buy armaments from Russia and China because President Biden, early in his administration, lifted ALL the sanctions President Trump put in place, strangling Iran’s economy for four years.

Now, Iran acts with impunity even against other Arab countries because it knows the 
Biden/Harris Administration is weak and will do nothing  to rein in Iranian aggression. And in those same four years, Iran has had the time to develop nuclear weapons with no oversight from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Or anyone else.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed those fears to his Cabinet and that he believed Israel was already at war with Iran. Between the attack by Hamas on October 7 and the resulting war in Gaza, and the surprise attack two weeks ago in the Golan Heights by Hezzbollah which killed at least twelve children and injuring many others, he is probably right.

And since Israel responded by killing Ismail Haniyeh, a leader of the Palestinian terror group Hamas, and Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr, Iran is now seething with rage.

Biden has just ordered more warships and F-22 stealth fighters to the region. The deployment includes a squadron of elite jets and US Navy cruisers and destroyers. But the window to de-escalate a wider war is closing rapidly.

Will the Biden/Harris Administration honor its pledge to support Israel? The anti-semitic mob in the shadows calling for Israel's destruction certainly won’t.

Will World War III finally come to pass, as predicted? I pray not and so should you. Because this time, there may be no more time left on the doomsday clock.

And may God forgive us.

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