Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Kammy's Bad Move Dissing the Press

With less than a week to go to the convention, Kamala Harris has still not spoken to the press. This act by the Democrat Presidential designee (not a nominee because she did not run in any primaries and the delegate vote earlier this month was not binding) is a display of arrogance, treating reporters and other media like they don’t matter.
Hey Kammy… here is a bulletin for you. If you continue on this path, publishers and other media bigwigs will stop ALL coverage of your campaign. Then, where will you be? As ignored by these powerful people more than you are ignoring them.

And your “accolytes” will be forced to obey their bosses in order not to be fired for insubordination. Right, living off the government for your paycheck gives you no understanding of how it really works in the private sector. You have rules to follow and the owner of the company makes them, not some faceless bureaucrat.

So. Time wants to put you on the cover and attach a puff piece. The writer, however, is being told by her boss that she has to go through the exercise of presenting an interview. And you blow her off? Bad move, Kammy. 

She just might write a piece which shines a bad light on you. I know I would, in order to stay in the good graces of the owner of the company who pays me every week or two.

Biden did this in 2020 because there was a deadly unknown disease going around at the time, harmful to old people. Maybe you heard of it? Does Covid ring any bells?

Or are you also too old and potentially susceptible to that harmful disease? WAIT! Didn’t you push everyone to get the vaccine? Didn’t YOU follow the Biden/Harris Administration mandates that ALL government employees had to get it to keep their jobs? Or was an exception carved out for you like Obama did with the ACA for Members of Congress?

Are you afraid to answer a few tough questions? Or, when you do, will you be exposed as the idiot you really are? Is that why you won’t hold a press conference?

I think I may have hit on the truth.

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