Sunday, August 4, 2024

What Is the SCORE?

What do New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Minneapolis, Boston, Atlanta, Trenton, Philadelphia, Washington, DC and Detroit share with each other but do not share with Raleigh, Lansing, Houston, Phoenix, Orlando, Butte, Green Bay, Miami, Houston and Memphis? Anyone? If you said the designation of “sanctuary city” you would be correct.


The first ten cities have been proudly thumbing their noses at the immigration laws of the United States, in some cases, for years. And now, because of this foolhardy policy, they have become completely overrun with illegal, undocumented, unauthorized, or whatever descriptive, politically correct, adjective you wish to apply to their status as aliens.

And because these people have exhausted the tax monies for services these cities have provided for health care, housing, food, general welfare, etc., these cities are reaching out to the Federal government, i.e., the taxpayers who opposed sanctuary cities long ago, for help.

But these cities are not alone in this human disaster. The Biden/Harris Administration via President Biden’s politically misguided executive orders CANCELLED all the safeguards President Trump put in place, like Title 42, Remain In Mexico, criminal deportations, oh, and building a wall. And he named his favorite Vice President, Kammy Harris, to be in charge of the border. And Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez cheered.

He also restarted the Obama-Era catch and release program which Trump stopped. Fentanyl is crossing the border and reaking havoc on our population at an alarming rate. And several women and girls have been raped and/or murdered by known criminals who the Biden/Harris Administration let into our country since January 20, 2021. If Kammy is elected President, this nightmare will be accelerated.

And future victims' blood will be on the hands of all those who voted for her.

Not surprisingly, a mob scene at the border has ensued. What did the Biden/Harris Administration do? Why, under the cover of the darkness of night, they flew these unvaccinated migrants to cities all around the country to dump them wherever they could. When they tried to send them to Florida, Texas and several other states, Governors Abbot, DeSantis and several others rounded them up and had them driven to the sanctuary cities.

Now, these cities are destroyed financially and culturally. Their infrastructure is crumbling. And taxpaying citizens are leaving in droves, leaving third world wastelands behind.

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah) was motivated to propose legislation after Denver officials transported migrants into Salt Lake City, Utah unannounced earlier this year. On Friday, he presented his bill, the Sanctuary City Oversight and Responsibility in Enforcement (SCORE) Act to the public, promising the bill would hold sanctuary cities responsible for their own migrants, if passed.

Guaranteed, when it gets to the Senate, Chucky and Fauxahontas will do everything to prevent it from seeing the light of day. And if, by some miracle, it got to Biden’s desk, he would be inclined to veto it. And Harris would be cheering him on to do so.

When President Trump retakes the White House and Chucky is no longer the Majority Leader, then we will be enforcing our Constitutional laws, again, to stop all the illegality which was permitted at the border since January 20, 2021.

And Biden, finally, will be forever grateful that the Supreme Court granted immunity to Presidents acting in their official capacity.

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