Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Dawn of the DemoNazi Party In Chicago

The Democrat National Convention begins on Monday, August 19 in Chicago. As part of that process, Chicago’s Mayor, Brandon Johnson is the “go-to” person for interviews, as the media attempts to gain favor with the host city mayor.
So, almost immediately, Mayor Johnson has decided to show his anti-semitic chops by claiming “Democrats "can handle" anti-Israel protests descending on the Windy City during the Democratic National Convention, adding that the party has the "privilege" of demonstrators coming to "bring their grievances" to Democratic leadership.”

Apparently, he is happy the Pro-Hamas protesters will demonstrate against Israeli supporters, bringing to the fore the Democrat Party’s support of Hamas grievances and will align its platform accordingly..

Incredibly, the DNC has remained silent on Mayor Jonson’s comments, implying tacit approval and acceptance. Democrat Jewish politicians like Schumer; Sanders Wasserman-Schultz, Nadler, Blumenthal and many others have also remained silent.

Kamala Harris is trying, with little success, to keep her true feelings about Hamas and Israel to herself. She previously has shown her outward displeasure towards Israel and Netanyahu during his recent appearance to the Joint Session of Congress.

And Vice President-designee Tim Walz is joining in with his total support of Hamas and Hezzbollah’s recent attacks on Israel.

All In all, the Democrat Party is certainly anti-Israel and notably anti-semitic. All pretense to display any other posture or appearance is virtually non-non-existent.

Much like the 1968 Democrat Convention when the SDS demonstrated in Chicago and caused so much destruction and chaos, I remember their chant, “The whole world is watching.”

The Democrat Party of FDR, TRUMAN and JFK is dead. In its place, the DemoNazi Party will rear its ugly head.

And yes, the whole world IS watching.

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