Monday, August 5, 2024

The Fickle Winds of Economic Change

As of 9 AM today, the Dow futures are down 1,200 points, making it potentially the worst opening since September, 2022. It was also reported that the Nikkei in Japan is experirncing its worst day simce that Black Monday in October, 1987.

What makes this different is that on Friday the market opened at a value of over 40,000 points and dropped 600 points by Friday afternoon. As the market opens today, it is teetering at about 39,500 and about to go into freefall.

Within the first five minutes, it dropped those 1,200 points or 3% of its value. The S&P and NASDAQ are both down close to 4%. Investors and other interested parties are hoping the slide will slow and level off.

It will be a nail-biting day for everyone today as people worry now how this will all play out against their own lives and futures. The ship could right itself but based on past performance, it may take a few days.

It will certainly be a volatile time. Fortunately, the markets and banks have safeguards in place as a result of the 2008 financial crisis.

Let’s all hope they are strong enough to withstand the unforeseen economic winds ahead.

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