Monday, August 5, 2024

The Hypocrisy of False Indignation

Some Democrats and other Donald Trump critics feel morally superior as they point out Trump’s transgressions related to his personal and sexual behavior. Some have called him a pig, a misogynist, a player, a misanthrope and a chauvinist.
Honestly, you must admit these terms would equally apply to Bill Clinton. Yes? He was as guilty as Trump is; and he, too, paid “hush money” to several women to keep them from revealing his dirty laundry.

But on Saturday, in the late afternoon or early evening, CNN published  a report that Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, is guilty of the same behavior. Or worse.

When Harris was vetted by then-candidate Biden’s team, they were aware of this. And yet, they passed it over, hoping their friends in the LSM would keep it quiet. And for four years, they did. Until they couldn’t anymore.

Now, the Democrats and Kammy have been found out to be moralistic hypocrites. The Harris campaign team has enlisted Emhoff’s ex-wife to say wonderful things about him, blaming herself for his misbehavior and glossing over the fact that he got his child’s nanny/teacher (which was she?) pregnant and the mistress aborted it on her own.

Hmmm… Let he who is without sin… never mind.

And the apparent Democrat Presidential nominee can’t get a pass, either. She was the mistress of the married mayor of San Francisco as she was just starting her political career. And even that is not an issue, since that was Mayor Brown’s marriage, much like it is Trump’s or Clinton’s personal business.

No. The bigger hypocrisy for Kammy is this: During the Kavanagh hearings, she displayed herself as the indignant, virtuous judge, jury and executioner as she tried to discredit Justice Kavanaugh’s reputation with her vehement support of a lie, of an event which never occurred, when he was a single college student. All this so-called indignation, while she knew her own past sins and those of her husband. Oh, the hypocrisy!

And yet, the Democrats and their mouthpiece, the Lame Stream Media are still pushing her candidacy as if she is the woman of virtue. No, my friends. Her reputation is as soiled as any other Presidental candidate.

So let’s call it as it is. This is a campaign around two people, Donny and Kammy, who would be better served by skipping the talk about sex, lest more damning evidence is revealed which cannot be walked back.

And now that everyone’s sexual deviancy has been outed, let’s get on with the campaign to elect Donald Trump President again.

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