Friday, August 30, 2024

Democrats, Harrassment and the Most Corrupt Attorney General

It is apparent to everyone that Justice Is Blind. And so is New York Attorney General Letitia James. But only if the sexual harassment is committed by a Democrat.
If you are a Republican or Donald Trump, she will come after you. Big Time.

It was reported in Thursday evening's online edition of the New York Post that DEMOCRAT State Senator John Mannion, who is running in a closely watched congressional race, had his sexual harassment charges against him quietly dropped by the State Senate. And nary a peep from Letitia.

Had the soundrel been a Republican, she would have had her claws all over him like a tiger on a boar. But somehow, she didn’t think this case was worthy of her attention.

Even that Mannion and his wife were allegedly berating staffers, making sexist and homophobic remarks was treated with a big yawn by James.

She, apparently, believes that you are entitled to Equal Justice Under the Law if you think like she thinks. Otherwise, to paraphrase Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi character, “No justice for you!

That is the proof that Letitia James is the MOST CORRUPT Attorney General ANYWHERE in the United States. And she is truly a worthless party hack. She should be impeached for her crimes against the citizens of the State of New York.

She should be disbarred and imprisoned for violating her oath to uphold the law, equally and without prejudice regardless of party.

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