Monday, August 26, 2024

The Lie of Nicotine Use in the United States

When I started smoking in 1961, the delivery system of nicotine was a cigarette. Today, that delivery system is an e-cigarette, commonly called vaping. But the purpose is still the same: using addictive nicotine to hook the user for profit.

Whose profit you ask? Why, the tobacco industry.

The US government, through the Department of Agriculture, PAYS tobacco farmers to grow their product because it is a CASH crop, one which the US, and state and local governments tax it at various percentages and amounts for easy cash.

And the US government, through the Department of Health Human Services, has the Surgeon General ENCOURAGE people to stop smoking and using nicotine.


A Gallup poll revealed July 1 to 21, as reported in the New York Post, shows a sharp decline in rates of cigarette smoking among American adults compared to their first poll of its kind in 1944 — when 41 percent of adults said they smoked.

However, while younger Americans are now less likely than any other age group to smoke cigarettes, they are the group most likely to smoke e-cigarettes, the same poll showed.

Hence, while actual CIGARETTE smoking decreased over the years, in actuality, people are still hooked on nicotine.

And yes, while people rarely chew pulls of tobacco because it is disgusting to look at, especially when you need to discharge the juice it creates, only the delivery method is changed with Zyn and Rogue, etc. These even come in flavors.

But the health problems still exist, like tongue and gum cancer, stomach cancer and yes, even esophageal cancer because you instintively swallow your saliva.

Oh yes, Juul and Zyn are part of a multi-BILLION dollar industry just like cigarettes were in the 40s, 50s and 60s when advertising told us “four out of five doctors recommend Luckies for better health”; or when you were “cool to smoke Kools”; or “Winston takes good like a cigarette should”.

You really haven’t “come a long way, baby” with your Virginia Slims. You only changed and added to your appearance and your methods of delivery.

You are still the same, lying drug you always were. And still cause cancer.

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