Saturday, August 3, 2024

Copying Old Joe's Playbook

On July 22, after receiving the endorsements from the Obamas, the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer and other DemoNazi elites, Kamala Harris unabashedly claimed that she had captured Joe Biden's delegates and confirmed them as her own. This was prior to the fake virtual nomination which is occuring now, August 3rd, as this is being written.

But understand this. She has held NO press conferences, nor did she appear, as Trump did, in Chicago to face tough questions from the National Association of Black Journalists. She also did not attend the Netanyahu appearance at the Joint Session of Congress.

And at her big Atlanta event, once the talent, Megan Thee Stallion, finished her performance, the attendees started leaving as Harris began to speak.

The crowd drew 10,000 attendees and by the time she was finished thirty minutes later, there were less than 5,000 people still there. Of course, the media is reporting it as if that event was the second coming of Jesus Christ.

But if memory serves me right, it appears she has pulled out Old Joe’s 2020 playbook. She must figure, if it worked for him, it will work for her. NEWS FLASH Kammy… it won’t work for you because he was an old man during Covid, and you, heretofore, have presented yourself as the young, borderline, Boomer/Gen-Xer. It won’t play in Peoria, so stop before you are ridiculed as a fool.

After the convention is done and you have exhausted the goodwill you are riding high on now, the real contest will begin.

And; by the way,  stop lying that Trump will enact the principles of Project 2025. You KNOW, and so do your press agents in the Lame Stream Media, that he disavowed it. Several times. Including in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. Nobody likes a liar, Kammy, especially if he or she is caught at it. 

You will be forced to face tough questions for how, as Biden’s Border Czar, you screwed it all up.
As it was reported by Fox News and other sources, blaming Trump for the Biden/Harris economy as you did yesterday won’t fly, either. The Biden/Harris Administration caused it. Now you have to own it.

That is what a real leader like Donald Trump does. Or, are you going to play the Obama playbook and blame it all on the last guy? Well, the last guy is Biden. And Harris.

Maybe you SHOULD follow Old Joe’s playbook. Go back to the cellar and hide.

And don’t come out until January 20, 2025 to attend the swearing in of Vice President JD Vance and President Donald Trump. AGAIN.

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