Thursday, April 30, 2015

Who Today Has the Content of Character?

With all the strife happening in Baltimore, as well as, Ferguson, Sanford, New York City and cities yet to come, I thought it would be a good idea to republish a commentary I wrote back on August 26, 2013, where I discussed the most peaceful protest concerning race, The March on Washington. Martin Luther King gave the final speech that afternoon, which was attended by upwards of 300,000 people, both black and white.

Dr King’s whole philosophy was to attempt change peacefully, even with all the other protests that took place in the 1950s and 1960s, right up to April 4, 1968, in Memphis. The result of this particular speech was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its amendments, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

I for one was a true admirer of Dr King and during the remainder of the ‘60s and throughout my life, I have fought for the rights of all people, genders, orientations and all things which make us different.

We need to remember, as well as our leaders, that stirring the racial divide pot will not win the war. It may win kudos to those who need to find a reason to justify their anger, but in the end, as shown in Ferguson and Sanford and New York, the “victim” actually was the instigator.

As one of my friends said to me on Wednesday, “MLK wasn’t perfect but he was the best leader to lead “the cause”. He achieved so much through non-violence and he kept a focus on the objective which was true justice and equality by peaceful means. There is no one of his caliber today to provide that calm, measured leadership.”

I agree, as will you, when you listen to his speech at the end of the original commentary. Please read my commentary, Content of Character. Your comments are welcome.

Content of Character

August 26, 2013

Fifty years ago this Wednesday, August 28, 1963, less than three months before America and the world changed, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr gave one of the most important and prolific speeches in American History at the end of the peaceful March on Washington. This March was the culmination of a very long and hot summer, where violence seemed to rule the attitudes of the civil rights movement.

I was in a hospital in New York City in May of that year, just before my 12th birthday and I remember watching TV with the other boys in the ward, all of whom were black, and the news showed the terrible events taking place in Birmingham, and other cities in the south, where police turned water hoses and dogs on unarmed women, men and children walking in the street. For a white kid living in the north, I felt that this was the most horrid thing I ever saw. I had hoped the others in the room did not see this, or at least, did not understand. 

This was the summer that I truly understood the meaning of what African Americans had been asking for, the rights I assumed all Americans were entitled to and enjoyed, but did not. The news was filled with stories like this all summer, and as the date of the March drew closer, many law enforcement and administration officials implored President Kennedy to request the leaders to call off the March.

Instead, he took the position that the leaders assured him that the March would be peaceful. However, common sense also prevailed; bars were closed, extra police and federal law enforcement were activated, the ballgame scheduled for that night was postponed. For this, President Kennedy and the civil rights leaders were rewarded with the most peaceful March of this sort, this massive, that summer and in history.

More violence occurred over the next few years, but Americans now understood Dr King's message of non-violence. Soon after the world changed, legislation to end discrimination in this country became law with the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, two landmark laws to help along Dr King's dream. 

I have provided the link for you to watch and hear Dr King's speech in its entirety.

I, too, have that dream.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Legacy of a Racist, Hateful Man

Obama is showing now why he was so successful as a community organizer. He has a unique skill telling people that they are not responsible for their lot in life and then, telling them who is, in order to pit people against each other.

In his first two years, way back in 2009 and 2010his party controlled both Houses of the Congress. Remember? So, what did he do to help the poor in the urban areas of this country, like Baltimore, Ferguson, Sanford and yes, even New York? That's right! Solar energy, Chevy Volts and "shovel-ready jobs.

Wait! What are you saying, Barry? It was the Republicans' fault? When you had a super majority of Democrats in the Congress? Hate to say this about a President, but you are a damn liar!

When you had the chance to help African-Americans and other minorities, instead you coddled to your rich, powerful donors and friends, worse than anyone who ever held the Office ever did. You stole precious, hard-earned taxpayer money and gave it to a now bankrupt company, to the UAW, the Teamsters and other corrupt entities when you should have helped those people truly in need.

You have helped fuel the fire of racial unrest in this country by blaming police for doing their jobs to protect the people and giving credence to an even bigger race monger, Unrev Al Sharpton, as he threw his “verbal gasoline” all over what should have been peaceful protests.

Now, the idiot Mayor of Baltimore is following your lead by telling the police to stand down to allow the criminals steal from hardworking minority store-owners, much like the dumb@$$ governor of Missouri did last summer. Or like the Mayor of Sanford did in 2012.

I could go on, but you get my point. You are a racist, hateful man, who had no business being President, let alone a Senator or even dog catcher. Maybe now, the African-American community will finally wake up and see you do not have their best interests at heart. Instead, you are a vain, petty man who thrives on the misfortune of others.

Your legacy will be remembered in the years to come as the most vile, most evil President America had, worse than Richard Nixon. He was petty, conflicted and mean-spirited, but even liberal filmmaker Oliver Stone did not portray him as evil.

You had the chance to be a healer, a uniter, like Martin Luther King. Instead, you chose to emulate two of the biggest black racists in America, Louis Farrakhan and the aforementioned Sharpton. My Dad told me when I was a teen this: "show me your company and I will tell you what you are."

Well, we can see what you are, a racist bigot, who will stir the racial divide in this country to advance your own petty, hateful agenda, something MLK would never do. You certainly did not learn the lessons of a great and admired man, by people of all races and colors. You are his antithesis.

To paraphrase Senator Lloyd Benson in 1988, I admired, respected and loved Martin Luther King, and you, sir, are no Martin Luther King.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Lessons For the Sinful Among Us

I am amazed by the amount of bigotry and anti-Semitism which exists in the world today, especially in the Middle East among Arabs toward the Jews and toward Christians.

Is your religion so perfect that you can be happy with all that hate in your heart? Do you think you will go to Heaven, or whatever you consider Paradise with such evil in your soul?
Do you think God, or Allah, is going to welcome you with open arms and congratulate you for "a job well-done" toward your fellow man, woman or child, as you blasphemed His name screaming "Allahu Akbar" as your non-Muslim neighbor was slaughtered for being DIFFERENT?

No, you will not see Allah or God. Instead, you will BURN for all eternity in a place you conveniently deny exists, the people of Christianity call HELL.

To those of us who understand the Bible, it is a book of allegories written for people who lived in a more simple time using life lessons to instruct that society to a life of good behavior. For example, the Ten Commandments were a variant of Hammurabi's Code, which was the group of rules Zoroastrian society lived by. Zoroastrianism is a Persian religion, based on the Avesta, where people believed in a supreme god, called Ahura Mazda, who fought the evil spirit, Ahriman. Many of the ancient Middle Eastern religions are based on this hypothesis.

Even Muhammed understood that, unless he was stuck with his head in the sand.

Just so you know or forgot, Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have the same father. His name was Abraham or Ibrahim. Therefore, the Ten Commandments are all of our guideposts.

Take the Second Commandment, for example. The English translation is "Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain." If you do, then you blaspheme, correct? And if you accept the story of Adam and Eve, as told in Genesis, we are all descended from the same parents God, or Allah, created in His image. Or the Fifth, which says, "Thou shalt not kill."

Therefore, we are all children of God, all of us, Jew, Christian and Muslim. Therefore, you blaspheme Allah, when you scream "Allahu Akbar" as you kill or support the killing of one of His children.

Have I made it simple enough for you? Keep killing or supporting the killing of God's children and see what happens to your evil soul when you die. You certainly will not see 72 virgins unless they are in Hell.

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Passion, My Feelings, My All

I was asked recently by some friends how and why I write my commentaries criticizing our government and its leaders with such passion and, at times, with such vitriol. They are also amazed that I write without fear of retribution.

My answer lies in what I call the Sacred Document, the Constitution of the United States of America.

I am one who understands that if I am afraid to speak my mind, then the First Amendment means nothing. I believe we have the Freedom of Speech in this country, truly endowed to us by our Creator, as discussed by another Sacred Document called the Declaration of Independence.

Years ago, one of my friends told me I am a man of deep feelings. This is true. If I believe in something, or love something or someone, I give my all to it or to them, wholeheartedly.

That is how I feel about our Constitution. Each word was penned because it meant something to its architects and it means something today to those of us who accept it as our Basic Law.

I write with passion as much as I feel in my heart, my mind and my soul. I leave nothing to guess, to interpretation, to be misconstrued by the reader. I tell you what I feel about a topic.

So, on Saturday, I posted a commentary, The Evil Which Presides in Americawhere I called the President Evil Incarnate. One of my friends thought it was an exaggeration. To be clear, it wasn't words to be used for effect. It is how I feel.

I believe this man has no love of this country, its Basic Law or its people. I meant what I said when I called his followers “color” blind because they don't want to appear racist. Trust me, there are other African Americans I support and believe in because they are loyal and trustworthy Americans, and I would vote for them and support them if they ran for President.

But I cannot support someone who took an oath to defend our Constitution and then, with every act, with every word, commits treason again it.

I am calling on the Speaker of the House to grow a pair and instruct the House Judiciary Committee to bring forth Articles of Impeachment against this Un-American impostor for his High Crimes and Misdemeanors. If the Speaker cannot do his one Constitutional job, then resign and let someone who understands this precept do the one Constitutional job the Speaker truly has.

It is time for all of us to rise up together and “cry out in one voice, I am mad as Hell and I cannot take this anymore." I know I am.

Otherwise, we are just sheeple and we will say nothing as we are led to the slaughter because we did not have the courage to stand up now for the rights which belonged to us.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Evil Which Presides in America

In 1938, Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier signed the Munich Pact with Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, which carved up Czechoslovakia and, ultimately, gave Hitler carte blanche to overrun Europe and to kill over 12 MILLION innocents, including 6 MILLION Jews. When the crematoria and concentration camps were finally discovered in 1945, the horror of the Holocaust was totally unfathomable and yet, undeniable, to the people of Germany, as they had turned a blind eye to what they knew was happening throughout their country.

During the 1940s, many attempts were made by decent German people and soldiers, as documented in the story of Valkerieto assassinate Hitler and the leaders of the Third Reich. The last known attempt occurred on June 21, 1944.

Now, we see the same atrocities being committed by the Islamic State, with the tacit support of the United States via its President, Barack Hussein Obama, who to me and others is more concerned how he is viewed in the Middle East as a supporter of Islam than as a supporter for the Constitution he swore to uphold.

As I  wrote on Facebook on Friday, in response to Pamela Geller's link about Two Gay Men Being Stoned to Death by ISIS"what will it take for liberals and the media in this country to condemn Obama for his complicit acceptance of Islamic behavior for its crimes against humanity? He is as guilty now for his support of these crimes as Chamberlain was of Nazi atrocities. Why can't you people see this? Are you “color” blind??

"Impeach, Arrest, and Imprison Obama for his crimes against the Constitution of the United States and for his crimes against humanity."

This criminal, and he is a criminal according to UN protocol and the Geneva Conventions, not to mention our own Sacred Document, has stood by and done NOTHING as Americans, Brits, Middle East Christians, Muslims, Jews and Yazdi have been butchered by the New Nazis which are flourishing in the Middle East and Africa. Call them what you will, they are radicals which have stolen a great religion and are using its middle age concepts in the 21st century world as a means to their end, which is world domination under an Islamic Caliphate.

So, to all you Obama supporters, who claim to be for people's rights, how do you look at yourselves in the mirror each day and still believe Obama is the right man to lead this country and lead America in the world? Do you REALLY think he cares about human rights while he allows ISIS to torture and kill men, women, children and infants without fear of retribution? This is the man you believe is good for humanity, a man who has YOUR values??


My friends, could it be you are mesmerized by his oratory, much like the Germans were of Hitler and the French were of Napoleon, the two men that many believe fulfilled the first two of the prophesies by Nostradamus of three Anti-Christs?

If he is not impeached and imprisoned now, what do you think is going to happen when his term is done in January, 2017? I believe he has higher aspirations to be the unelected leader of the world. He, like Hitler and Napoleon, is a megalomaniac. And he will have ISIS under his spell.

This man is not what you think is. He is Evil Incarnate.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Falling of a Queen, Caused By a Joker

It is not as if Madame Hillary hasn't had a good couple of weeks since she announced that she is running for President. Now, speculation is raging, especially here in New York that her one-time campaign manager, friend and confidante, Mayor "Red Bill" DeBlasio of the great City of New York is considering a run himself.

The self-avowed Socialist/Communist was asked last Sunday if he was planning to endorse her. He chose, instead, to dance the typical empty words of avoidance of answers by claiming blah, blah, blah and Hillary has to show she is willing to yada, yada, yada. And, of course, the moderator allowed DeBlasio show how much of an empty barrel he actually was.

So Monday, some of the local TV station anchors in New York were blathering and gushing over this incredible development of insanity the Mayor had brought upon himself by not denying the speculation, and reporting that he has visited Iowa. In addition, the NYC media continued the hype by assuming (probably correctly) that there is no longer any love lost between the two former allies.

Billie Dee actually thinks his socialist, anti - police, anti - authority views are the future of this country. Trust me, he could not be more wrong. I was actually for his opponent, Bill Thompson, a true, blue, liberal Democrat, who understood the finances of the city, having been the Comptroller during the Bloomberg years. Actually, Mr. Thompson was a lot like another former Mayor, my friend, the late, great Ed Koch.

If Billie Dee is looking to cause Hillary to be vulnerable, it surely won't be too hard, since she is already doing a pretty good job herself. If his goal is to clear a path for Senator Granny Liz "Fauxcahantas" Warren, in exchange for some future quid pro quo, well, in this case he might be on to something.

The media was looking forward to another Republican donnybrook like 2008 and more so, like 2012. Now, it looks like the Democrats are poised to give the former presumptive nominee a real kick in the rear, right to the street, potentially blowing themselves up in the process. I am sure Sulzberger, Bezos and all the rest are salivating all over themselves as the thought of ratings and circulation could skyrocket with an old-fashioned Democrat suicide fight.

As one who knew Hillary was not a lock after her stupid statement to the Senate in 2013 as they investigated the Benghazi nightmare, I am glad to see she cannot assume the job is hers, just because she is married to a moderately successful former President. She has her work cut out for herself now. And as this plays out over the next few months, no one will be able to save Hillary from herself.

After all, at this point, what difference does it make?!? Right, Hillary

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Go Away, Little Girl

For Americans, we like to think we are regular folks, hanging with other regular folks, in regular restaurants, eating regular food, at regular prices. There are chains of these places all through this great country of ours, and I am not considering fast food, like McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut or other in and out places.

I am talking about moderately priced chain food, where you have a waiter, cloth napkins, silverware, glasses and plates. Some of these places feature American style food like Applebee's or Fridays; others feature Italian or Tex-Mex food like Uno's or Chili's; still others feature chicken dinners like Cracker Barrel or Chick-Fil-A; and still others are local like your neighborhood diner, pizza shop or Asian take-out or sit down restaurant.

But for today, let's discuss Tex-Mex food, which is found in every major city, in every county, in every region, in every single state throughout the United States. In fact, it is not only a style of food or chain, but also a type of seasoning which hits your taste buds and can make your eyes tear.

That's right, friends. I am talking about Chipolte.

It is so American, in fact, that a certain American woman Democrat, who aspires to be our Presidentour champion, our leader for the rest of this decade and perhaps into the next, chose to order the regular food, at regular prices, at a regular Chipolte Restaurant, sit with regular folks and eat the regular food - and then, did none of this.

Instead, Hillary Clinton, the self-proclaimed champion of regular Americans, ignored the very people with whom she claims to identify. She was buried in her blackberry or smart phone, too engrossed in what was she was looking at, to pay ANY attention to the regular folks around her. Maybe she was trying to recover her deleted emails.

Regardless, she was obviously oblivious to her surroundings. It was not for a second or two; this went on for several minutes, according to the restaurant's security tape. This was not a good first appearance or first impression for Ms Clinton.

Honestly, I am not a fan of hers; I admit this. She was an ineffective Senator from my state for eight loooooong years and then, in my opinion, proved that, as Secretary of State, she was more concerned with networking for the Clinton Foundation than for working on behalf of the American people.

As far as the nightmare known as Benghazi, we will not know the truth about her role until this Administration passes on into history after January 20, 2017 and someone has the courage to reveal the details.

Just because she is a woman, this does not entitle her to a free pass  to the White House. She has not earned that right.. There are other more qualified women in both parties than Miss Hillary to be President Each of them understands that if they want the prize, they have to be vetted and so does Clinton. Seriously, not in the manner the current schlub was.

She has already proven she is undeserving because she was more concerned with who was on the phone than who was standing right on front of her. Hillary, why not take your pension and your fully paid government health care and fade away?

And take your useless husband with you. We are tired of the Clintons. You need to fade into history and into the woodwork.

Do us all a favor and go away, Hillary.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pete Rose and Being in the Hall

Criminals pay a long time for crimes they commit.  This includes murder, robbery, grand theft auto just to name a few.

Punishment is there as a detriment and most people don't need to have to be reminded all the time because most of us have moral integrity, either taught to us as children or learned by watching stupid people as adults.

But of course, most criminals are who they are because they have different value systems.

In baseball, as a player walks into the clubhouse, he sees a sign posted which says essentially, "Thou shalt not gamble on baseball." The rule applies equally to players, coaches or managers, without regard to whether he gambles for his team to win or lose.

So, when Pete Rose took his "plea bargain" to resign his position as Manager of the Cincinnati Reds, he did so to avoid further inquiry or prosecution by baseball. At the time, it seemed like the right thing to do.

Since 1989, team owners and various commissioners have wrestled with drug problems and steroids in the game, finally recognizing in 2005 that punishment needed to be meted out. But none came until baseball became so compromised that the blind eye had to go.

But while records were smashed and players were rewarded with huge contracts for their bogus abilities, only in the last few years were real punishments given to players for cheating, even though it wasn't cheating when both Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa raced to beat Roger Maris' home run record, or when Bonds beat McGuire "record" or when he beat Henry Aaron's all time record.

And although players have been banned for huge numbers of games, most recently Alex Rodriguez for a whole season, NO ONE HAS BEEN BANNED FOR LIFE.
And they cheated.

All the drug and steroid era players who have retired are all eligible to be elected to the Hall of Fame. Thus far, only the value system of the voters of the Baseball Writers Association of America has not elected these cheaters into the Hall. But who knows? Maybe someday Bonds or Clemens or Palmero or McGuire  could be elected, and then what would be the excuse to keep Pete Rose out?

So, other than the BBWAA's rules which say eligibility expires after 20 years from retirement or otherwise leaving the game, there is no MLB reason to keep Pete Rose out of the Hall. MLB does not control entry or eligibility.

More than 25 years have elapsed since 1989. I am not minimizing the actions that Rose admitted to doing. But even criminals are finally released from their punishment, as society believes they are rehabilitated.

In 1972, the BBWAA waived its rules of a five year waiting period until a player retired to vote Roberto Clemente into the Hall, even though he was an active player when he died in the New Year's Eve plane crash. I know he was doing charitable work for earthquake victims in Nicaragua. But the rules were suspended, nevertheless, and he was admitted the very next summer.

Isn't it about time Pete Rose accorded the same?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Consequence of Eight Words

"Instant Karma is going to get you." So said the late, great John Lennon. Little did he know that this line would be used today as I talk about Lying and Crying Harry the Crooked Horse Reid.

Ah, yes Harry. Karma got you good, didn't she? For all the crooked deals you have made in your home state, karma finally got you this past New Year's Eve or Day for lying about Mitt Romney and his taxes.

And by the way, Harry. Was it REALLY an accident with your workout machine? Or did you finally anger someone close to you, maybe your brother, who decided to take justice into his own hand, or fist, and poke you in the eye with a couple of knuckles.

Now you are looking for pity as you claim you are blind in your right eye? Do you think ANYONE will feel sorry for you? Really? Well, maybe Rory might. And your partner in crime against the Constitution, Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama. Maybe. If it is to his advantage.

Trust me, Harry. You will get no sympathy or pity from anyone who knows your true character. Or lack of it.

You admitted it was a lie about what you said about Mitt and his taxes. But when you were given an opportunity to apologize, instead, you were too proud to ask forgiveness.

It was eight words you could have said. "I was wrong, I lied, I am sorry." Instead, you were so vain, you gleefully said, "he lost." As if that were your justification and vindication.
You see, Harry. You have no repentance anywhere in your soul. If you did, perhaps karma would have skipped you in HER quest for truth and justice.

So, as I was told years ago, you got yours. Deservedly so. Pow!! Right in your eye.

And as Mick Jagger once said, "You can't always get what you want. But if you try, sometimes, you might find you get what you need." You got a good, old-fashioned @$$-whooping. Karma can be funny that way.

And, Harry? Karma - she is a bitch, is she not?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Justice Applied, Not Denied

There are thirty counts that Dhozhar Tsarnaev faces related to the Boston Massacre, which occured two years ago next Wednesday. Seventeen of these counts carry a maximum sentence of the death penalty.

The defense has handled the prosecution witnesses with kid gloves because the strategy is not to try to find Tsarnaev innocent, as the evidence is overwhelming against him and the team knows it, but rather to play the jury to be at least somewhat sympathetic to their client so he doesn't die for his actions. This is a very smart strategy as this same jury will decide his sentence.

As many of you know, I am not in favor of the death penalty for any crime. Instead, I believe a maximum sentence should be life imprisonment, in solitary confinement, with no chance for paroleUnder any circumstances. Ever.

Then, in order not to be considered cruel and unusual punishment, Tsarnaev should be allowed to go outside twice a week for an hour each time. At night, by himself with no other contact with anyone. Then, he gets to be in his 10 by 13 cell with only the natural night from outside. At night, he gets to sit in the darkness, to contemplate how his own actions brought him to this fate. In addition, by not executing him, he cannot become the American Martyr for Jihad.

He will pray for an early death but none will be forthcoming, at least not from the people or our representatives in the federal or state criminal justice systems. In this way, he will have that constant reminder to himself that it was he who stupidly followed his brother down a path where his jihadism got the better of his common sense. It isn't as if he were some uneducated or illiterate sot. He was a student at one of the best schools in the Northeast, if not the entire country. Very few Americans get that opportunity.

I know many people will disagree with my opinion and that is fine by me. I have the luxury of sitting far enough away from the original epicenter of the blast and then the four days of chaos until Dhozhar Tsarnaev was finally captured at dusk that Friday, after a day-long manhunt, by an accident of Karma and Fate.

And thank God for that collision of events.

The jury has its work cut out for it. I don't envy the task the members face. There is a lot of evidence to consider; there is the need to divorce their memories of those days as it impacted each of them from the evidence as it was presented.

I trust that whatever the jury decides, it will be a fair and just verdict with the appropriate penalty assessed by this jury. It is all we can hope for and expect.

It is ultimately the American way, outlined for us all in the Sacred Document we call our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Tsarnaev needs to be thankful he was tried under this rule of law rather than whatever exists for national law in his original, native country.

And so must we.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Liberty and Justice for None

It is amazing that the Left Stream Media, which claims it stands for civil rights, has not written about FEMA's actions and training of our nation's pastors to help implement Martial Law. In the United States of America.

Thankfully, we still have Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press in this country, although for how much longer, with the criminal who violates the Constitution at every turn, still in the White House. Anyway, I am fortunate to follow Kevin Jacksonthe founder of theblacksphere.netHe is a moderately conservative man who publishes articles which stand for American Constitutional values.

Anyway, I found an article which originally appeared in Tea Party Crusaders and was posted to his site. The article, called FEMA Trains Pastors to Prep for Martial Law, reports that two pastors were dismayed by what they were required to say and do, and had the guts to blow the whistle on this whole practice.

FEMA has been charged by the Obama administration with the task to establish a federalized police force, as a result of what occurred in Ferguson and New York City last year. This sounds eerily like the Schutzstaffel of Nazi Germany, better known as the SS.

What is going on here? And when does the Congress, namely John Boehner, finally  do its and his job? When does he instruct the House Judiciary Committee to draw up Articles of Impeachment?

Andrew Johnson was impeached because he didn't like the method Northern Congressmen established for Reconstruction. Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied about not knowing that oral sex was sexual relations. Richard Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment for abuse of his power.

But Obama can violate the Constitution with his executive orders and creation of a secret police force, commingling church and state in the process?
Yet, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the Washington Post and The New York Times remain silent. What is so blessed about Obama that puts the fear of an "ungod" in the LSM? What could this criminal have on Sulzberger or Bezos to keep their publications from reporting a true abuse of power by Obama and his henchmen?

What seems to concern Disney, Comcast, Viacom and Time Warner more, the truth or profits? If I were a betting man, you could sure I would say profits motivate all these companies.

Certainly not the truth.

Well, remember that Hitler came to power using the democratic process of the Weimar Republic. And then, mysteriously, events took place for him to declare himself in charge for life, using all the enforcement mechanisms he set up.
It could happen here. And one day, we may wake up and find that the last five words of the Pledge of Allegiance will be changed, if not outright eliminated.

Then, Obama's "Transformation of America" promise he made as he ran for his first term will be complete.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

A Miracle Prayer for Passover and Easter

Azizen Pesach. Christos Anesti. Surrexit Dominus. From now until next Sunday, Jews and Christians will be greeting each other with terms such as these as they wish a Blessed Passover or a Happy Easter to friends, acquaintances and family the world over.

Perhaps the passion of the greeting is more deeply felt this year than in years past, as the angst in our country and the general turmoil throughout the world has never been as fearful at least since height of World War II.

We have had unrest and tension since 1945: the Cold War, Korea, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, the Afghan and Iraq Wars. Other countries, as well, have had their conflagrations. But, at least in my lifetime, I can't remember such contempt, such anger, such hate for one man (or woman) against another.

Can you?

We have seen Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Hindus and Muslims on the subcontinent, and even Israelis and Palestinians kill each other. All in the name of God.

But none of these conflicts can compare to what we are witnessing today. The religious leaders of Iran lead the masses into chants of Allahu Akbar, and also call for the Death to America and Death to Jews. These are the people who will now have free reign to build and ultimately use nuclear weapons against its enemies, thanks to the current, lawless regime in the United States.

Radical Islamists have stolen a great religion and are killing other human beings, because they are not Muslim, on a scale not seen since the height of Hitler's Nazis. And unlike the days of the Holocaust, when the brutality was uncovered well after the gassing and cremations occurred, today we can see it all live or seconds after the beheadings, or burnings, or shootings happen, thanks to our technology.

But instead of standing up for American values of Liberty and Justice for all the victims, the current usurper of the office of President of the United States and his henchman attempt to justify this criminality by the radicals as an excuse for jobs creation. Idiots!

Trust me. I am going to say something which will sound crazy, but once you consider the prophesies we were taught from the Bible, the Qu'ran, Nostradamus and even more modern seers as Jeane Dixon, Edgar Cayce and others, it just may be possible that the third Anti-Christ is already among us.

We are witnessing many of the events foretold about the End Times, with diseases, weather events, war, brutality and other significant apocalyptic circumstances not seen before. It seems we are at the precipice.

Perhaps, then, we truly need to use this week of friendship and peace to remember why Passover and Easter exist. For those of us who follow the Judeo-Christian traditions, even in a minimalist fashion, we understand that God is powerful and through prayer, He can work miracles. For Jews, the miracle of Passover is told at the Seder Table and revisited at Shabat. For Christians, the miracle of Easter is replayed during Holy Week and each Sunday.

So this weekend, as Passover and Easter are celebrated together, please offer a prayer for world peace and for the dark hearts of evil men and women to be enlightened. That is the miracle we need now, immediately, before the hate so many people have takes it to a level from which we will not recover.

Or, I fear, at this time next year we could be someplace so horrible we cannot even imagine its breadth.